7.083 jobs for new graduates
Nyuddannet.dk is Denmark's leading portal for fresh graduates. Looking for a job in marketing og business, engineering, communications and media or coding? We've got you covered! We also offer a lot of graduate jobs, and can assist you finding your doctorate or post-grad. Welcome!
Service Desk Specialist in Prague (dansktalende)
Customer Solutions Specialist
Konsulenter og fuldmægtige til et kontor, som arbejder med landbrug, analyser og grøn omstilling
Teknisk sagsbehandler til Produkt afdelingen i Sikkerhedsstyrelsen
Fuldmægtig til Ledelsessekretariatet – Vil du være med til at drive udviklingen i en dynamisk organisation?
A career profile will give you access to latest talent offers - create your free profile here!
Inspiration for your career
A career path is less of a highway from A to B and more like a winding road from C to U with a brief detour to X and Y underway.Get inspired by career paths of others.
Getting job in Denmark
Finding a new workplace can be a hard process anywhere in the world. But it can be even more dauting when doing so as an international in Denmark. Get a few pointers here.
Job search process
CV, resume & interview & contract - our guides help you navigate safely the stormy seas of job searching and secure your landing in your future dream job.