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Seasonal Work in Denmark


In Denmark, many employers need workers for temporary or seasonal work.
These jobs can be in different areas such as pruning fruit trees, cutting Christmas trees, collecting stones from the fields, picking berries, working with different projects in gardens, construction as well as other things.
The job is usually of shorter duration from 3 - 6 months. You will get a workcontract with your employer.

If you can say yes to the following points:

  • You have a break from your study or job
  • You have reached a point in your life where something else needs to happen
  • You are available for a temporary job in Denmark and want to work and earn some money
  • You want to work in a new country and get new experience and maybe new friends
  • You want to evolve personally as well as professionally
  • You are from an EU-country or you are i Denmark, with a permit that allows you to work

We are looking forward to hearing from you and maybe even meet you in Denmark.

Remember that our service is free for you as an applicant.

Feel free to send your CV to our recruitment team in Velas by using the red “Apply” button below.
If you have any questions, please contact
Thorbjørn Andersen
Tlf.: +45 25 19 55 39

Jens Skov Rasmussen
Tlf.: +45 30 51 97 92

Nataliia Kharchenko
Tlf.: +45 23 10 78 28

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Main office: Damsbovej 11, 5492 Vissenbjerg

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