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Entrepreneur in Residence


Entrepreneur in Residence (EiR) - Company Builders wanted

SINTEF Venture build and co-funds 2 – 4 high tech companies each year. All our start-ups are founder led and we are constantly looking for CEO talent to help us build companies from scratch.

We offer an opportunity to join a start-up 6 – 12 months before it is incorporated. You get a 30 – 50 % engagement for 6 – 12 months to work with the technology team and venture team to shape the initial business plan and when all are ready, we launch together!

As an EiR for SINTEF Venture you get access to all necessary resources prior to incorporation and an opportunity to get on the cap table at incorporation with the technology team from SINTEF and other key founding personnel. Our start-ups are founder led and the cap table at incorporation reflect this.

SINTEF Venture currently manage appx. M€ 100 across 4 funds and provide the pre-seed funding to give the start-ups 9 – 18 months runway from Day 1 together with other professional investors. Our current portfolio is found here

We are looking for seasoned professionals that have built technology companies previously.

Please reach out to one of our Investment Directors and we'll give you a sneak peek at our project pipeline the next 12 – 18 months.

Department: Strindvegen 4 7465 Trondheim

Lokation: Trondheim, Oslo

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Main office: Strindveien 4, 7465 Trondheim

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