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Senior Software Developer - Platform & Tools


We are seeking a Senior Software Developer to join our Software Platform team.
The Platform Team provides cutting-edge technologies, innovative development methods, core software services, essential tools, security baselines, and expert guidance to over 250 software developers within the BEUMER Group. Our team operates in a global setup, with developers located in both Denmark and Germany.

As a software developer on the Platform team, you’ll find the role both exciting and dynamic. You’ll have the opportunity to explore various fields of expertise and develop into new and intriguing technologies. Collaborate with your team members, engage in stimulating discussions, and receive support from a team lead who has a background in development. Your mission? To be an ambassador, driving our software department forward into the future, overcoming challenges without hesitation.

Deliver BEUMER's future on-premise and cloud platform / Toolbox
The Platform team currently consists of nine employees (four in Denmark and five in Germany). It is an integral part of our global Software division, which comprises over 250 software developers across Denmark, Germany, Poland, Austria, the USA, and Singapore.

The Platform team has a clear ambition: to simplify the lives of application developers and reduce their cognitive load, all while introducing novel ideas and cutting-edge technologies into the software development process. We achieve this by delivering tools and services directly to our internal software teams, rather than to end customers. In essence, our customers are the in-house software developers at BEUMER, and our mission is to provide software solutions that meet their needs. Additionally, we establish security baselines and ensure that the tools and software we offer comply with stringent security requirements.

What are my Tasks?
You will be the person discovering and creating new ways and tools for software development. Together with your team you deliver this to the other software developers

  • Developing and maintaining a software platform as a product for the application developers in a close dialogue with the developers.
  • Implementation and optimization of a fully automated CI/CD pipeline with GitLab.
  • Increasing and improving the software engineering toolbox, e.g. Docker, Grafana, etc.
  • Guide and support application teams in the use of the tools, architecture, model, etc. e.g., a microservice architecture, zero trust security model etc.
  • Explore and experiment with new technologies
  • Work with cyber security compliance, standards, and frameworks as ISO27001, IEC62443 or NIST

You are a software developer by nature. You are currently an early adopter or even a provider of new technologies in your current job, or you take private efforts to stay up-to-date. You have at least 4 years of professional experience.

You should bring advanced experience in at least:

  • Docker, Git
  • C# (.net6+) or/and Java (Quarkus)
  • RabbitMQ/Kafka + GRPC
  • Microservices
  • Security in software development
  • Knowledge about QA + Security Tools in software (like SonarQube, Dependency Track…)

Apply or call Senior Manager Ulrich Bjørn +45 53 84 65 12 or Team Lead Marcel Rolfsmeyer +49 2521-24475 and let's have a coffee talk

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P.O. Pedersens Vej 10, 8200 Aarhus N

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