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Model Risk Specialist to Group Internal Audit

Danske Bank

Are you an analytical thinker who is enthusiastic about financial services and eager to make a significant impact? Do you have an interest in model risk management and aspire to work in a learning environment? If so, we have an exciting opportunity for you to join our Model Risk team in Group Internal Audit.
Are you an analytical thinker who is enthusiastic about financial services and eager to make a significant impact? Do you have an interest in model risk management and aspire to work in a learning environment? If so, we have an exciting opportunity for you to join our Model Risk team in Group Internal Audit.

Model Risk Specialist to Group Internal Audit at Danske Bank
Danske Bank's Group Internal Audit function (GIA) offers independent assurance and provides vital insights to the Board and Executive Leadership. We are committed to adding value, identifying and suggesting improvements to the control environment while supporting the Group's business strategies and sustainability agenda. We're seeking a new colleague for our Model Risk team to assess and report on model risk management, data risk management, and compliance with updated risk regulation.

Thrive with Diversity - Act with Integrity
Joining our team means becoming part of an innovative and highly professional audit function of approximately 100 professionals from diverse backgrounds and specialties. We conduct operational audits of model risk across the Group guided by our audit methodology. Our brand-new domicile Copenhagen Central is GIA’s base, but we also offer alternative office sites in the Group’s core markets outside Denmark.

Join a distinguished team of Specialists within GIA
Your role involves auditing risk management processes, with a focus on model risk, governance structures, and data utilized for credit, counterparty, liquidity, and market risks. You'll engage in risk assessments, use analytical skills to identify risks, contribute to our methodologies, stay updated on model development, and prepare for meetings with senior management and financial supervisors. Success in this role requires curiosity and the readiness to challenge current processes. Knowledge and understanding of regulatory changes, such as the CRR/CRD, EBA guidelines on internal models, ECB TRIM guide, etc., remain crucial.

Talent is a gift, nurtured by curiosity, training, and learning
While we're seeking experienced candidates, a junior candidate with the right mindset and curiosity about risks and controls could also be a good fit. For this position, we expect you to have:

  • Master’s degree in economics, finance, mathematics, statistics, data science – or a similar field.
  • Experience from a risk management function in banking is essential – ideally combined with knowledge of second-line validation.
  • Great communication skills, with the ability to present findings convincingly with respect and transparency.
  • Knowledge of European banking regulation and supervisory processes.
  • An inclination for learning and sharing through collaboration.
  • Proficiency in English is required. Knowledge of a Nordic language is desirable.

For more experienced candidates, relevant experience in a financial institution or from a consultancy is expected. You should be able to mentor less experienced colleagues through coaching and knowledge sharing.

Interested in shaping a leading financial institution?
We offer unique learning opportunities from an independent assurance provider’s perspective. In our empowering environment, you can take on responsibilities that match your aspirations and skills. We emphasize continuous professional development, high-quality work, and foster a culture of coaching and feedback.

Sounds interesting?
Please send us your CV and application, focusing on presenting your credentials with reference to their contribution to meeting the required skills and delivering on the tasks. If you have any questions, you are welcome to call Senior Audit Manager, Jacob Rasmussen, at +45 2177 5333. Applications will be assessed on an ongoing basis.

With our team taking a summer break, we anticipate initiating the interview process in mid-August. We appreciate your patience and look forward to connecting with you then.

Bernstorffsgade 40
1577 København V

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Danske Bank

Bernstorffsgade 40, 1577 København V

Danske Bank er en nordisk bank med stærke lokale rødder og tætte forbindelser til resten af verden. I mere end 145 år har vi hjulpet mennesker og virksomheder i Norden med at indfri deres ambitioner.

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