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Principal/Senior Compliance Officer, Business Customers Advisory Compliance

Danske Bank

Would you like to contribute significantly to the compliance unit, and by your own efforts make sure our Bank and employees work well and do things right? Then come and join Group Compliance as a Principal/Senior Compliance Officer and help us in becoming the most trusted financial partner!
Would you like to contribute significantly to the compliance unit, and by your own efforts make sure our Bank and employees work well and do things right? Then come and join Group Compliance as a Principal/Senior Compliance Officer and help us in becoming the most trusted financial partner!

Principal/Senior Compliance Officer to our team in Copenhagen
You will play a key role in the team and contribute significantly to the compliance unit, and by your own efforts make sure our Bank and employees work well and do things right. You will report to the Head of Business Customers Advisory Compliance and handle matters regarding Regulatory Compliance, Governance, Risk and Compliance Management & Reporting.

You will be a part of the Business Customers Advisory Compliance team, which is the compliance team responsible for providing Regulatory Compliance advice to and oversight of the Group’s Business Customers business area. In addition, you will take up the role as Legal Entity Compliance Responsible for the Group’s Asset Finance company in Denmark and be primarily responsible for advising and overseeing the Asset Finance business, as well as report on compliance risks to senior management. We are around 10 employees in the team located across the Nordics.

Be a contributor to strengthen our Compliance set-up and support our strategy
As a Principal/Senior Compliance Officer you will work in close collaboration with different stakeholders across the Bank and offer your advice on internal policy and regulatory matters. Your overall responsibilities will include:

  • providing regulatory compliance advice to stakeholders within the Business Customers area and Asset Finance
  • proactively coordinating and overseeing identification, assessment, mitigation, and reporting of compliance risks
  • conducting monitoring and coordinating implementing activities
  • ensuring good stakeholder communication and management
  • maintaining an understanding of the business, Group policies, processes and procedures to ensure the impact of how regulatory issues can be effectively assessed

You will be navigating in a complex and agile organisational set-up and you will be bridging the regulatory requirements with the business operations. Additionally, it is important that you contribute to an encouraging team spirit and foster good collaboration within the team, across other Group Compliance teams and with the business.

Do you have good cooperation skills, and can you foster our values?
In order to achieve goals in this role you need to have significant integrity, good judgement and good ability to cooperate, challenge and ‘speak-up’. You are structured in your methods, have good analytical skills and the ability to create and coordinate initiatives. Furthermore, you bring:

  • an academic degree in law, finance or another relevant field
  • 4+ years working experience and solid regulatory knowledge
  • proven experience in identifying, assessing and mitigating regulatory, governance and conduct risks
  • good understanding of regulatory requirements applicable to products offered to the Business Customers business area
  • fluency in English and Danish, in both speech and writing

When joining us, you will become part of a journey to build an even more collaborative, innovative, and engaging Compliance culture. A culture where we empower all to take ownership of how we work and how we develop. If you can see yourself, thriving in a fun, creative, diverse, business-aware and outcome-centric Compliance organisation - now is the time to join!

Send us your CV and application. Please note, that we are processing applications on a continuous basis, so we encourage you to apply as soon as possible.

If you want to know more about the job, feel free contact Ann Heydorn at [email protected].

We are looking forward to receiving your application!
Bernstorffsgade 40
1577 København V

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Danske Bank

Bernstorffsgade 40, 1577 København V

Danske Bank er en nordisk bank med stærke lokale rødder og tætte forbindelser til resten af verden. I mere end 145 år har vi hjulpet mennesker og virksomheder i Norden med at indfri deres ambitioner.

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