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Audit Manager

Danske Bank

Are you enthusiastic about audit of internal processes in a large financial institution? Are you eager to use your knowledge to make a difference? If so, we have an interesting and exciting career opportunity joining Group Internal Audit (GIA) in Danske Bank.
Are you enthusiastic about audit of internal processes in a large financial institution? Are you eager to use your knowledge to make a difference? If so, we have an interesting and exciting career opportunity joining Group Internal Audit (GIA) in Danske Bank.

Audit Manager in Group Internal Audit
As an Audit Manager, you will get the opportunity to work closely together with the audit customers responsible for the processes in the different audits, including stakeholder management, project management, reviewing audit documentation and reporting the result of the audits.

You will join an innovative and forward-thinking internal audit function with a collaborative and agile work culture. We are guided by a philosophy of adding value to improve the processes across the Group and to provide support to achieve its business goals in a sustainable way. We are more than 100 highly engaged employees with diverse nationalities, geographical locations, backgrounds, educations and specialisations and we value diversity of employees.

GIA is an independent internal audit function who reports on risk to the Board of Directors and leaders on all levels in Danske Bank Group. You will become part of a team that performs audits across the Group, but with a specific focus on auditing processes within Technology & Services and Group HR. As internal auditors, we assess and evaluate risks across all aspects of the operational processes within areas such as Payments, Trading, Loans, Investments, Procurement and HR and how the business reduce risks through ensuring sufficient governance, processes, and controls. A focus area for this position will be audit of the Group’s Third-Party Risk Management processes and other risk areas with high regulatory focus and risk.

We have an empowered environment with continuous professional development in accordance with your needs and the standards of the audit profession. We work in close collaboration with colleagues to ensure we deliver high quality work where coaching and feedback is an essential part of the work process. We have furthermore and eye for the daily flexibility, and the opportunity also to work from home.

Join a great team responsible for the audit of the Group’s core systems and processes

To do well in this role, you recognise yourself in the following:

  • MSc in Business Economics and Auditing (Cand.merc.aud) or similar
  • 5-6 years of audit experience or more
  • Collaborative mind-set, good at building relationships and enjoy team- and project work
  • Great writing skills and proficiency in Danish and English
  • Ability to communicate conclusions effectively with concise references to arguments in a transparent, and convincing manner

As part of our team your tasks will include:

  • Planning and conducting audits of processes including risk assessments, scoping, evaluation of governance processes and control assessment, reporting and follow-up on audit observations.
  • Leading audit projects, ensuring timely reporting.
  • Aligning expectations, coaching, and giving feedback to team members.
  • Stakeholder interaction to maintain knowledge about business initiatives, products, processes etc.
  • Participate in internal strategical projects, which further develop Group Internal Audit.
  • Auditing other Business Units and Functions in Danske Bank.

Interested in impacting a top-tier financial institution?

If you have any questions, you are welcome to call Senior Audit Manager Jesper Olsen at +45 40 32 40 79 or Audit Director Claus Sonne Linnedal at +45 51 40 13 08.

We are going through applicants on an ongoing basis, so please do not hesitate to apply - send us your application and CV sooner rather than later!

Bernstorffsgade 40
1577 København V

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Danske Bank

Bernstorffsgade 40, 1577 København V

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