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Software Developer – Ray Optics - Career Opportunities


COMSOL, Inc. is seeking a developer to strengthen the development team in its Burlington, MA office. We are seeking an individual with a solid background in geometrical optics and related methods. You will work with all parts of the development process, such as analysis, specification, implementation in C++/Java, testing and documentation.


  • Knowledge of optics theories including lens-maker's formula, optical aberrations, polarization, Fresnel formula, thin film optics, interference, coherence, Fourier optics, Huygens principle, ABCD matrix theory, PSF, MTF.
  • Demonstrated experience with C++/Java.
  • M.Sc. or higher in physics, engineering, or applied mathematics.
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills in English.

Meriting Skills and Experiences

  • Experience of ray-tracing programming or Fourier optics simulations.
  • Experience of Eclipse.
  • Demonstrated experience with equation-based mathematical modeling.

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Diplomvej 376, 2800 Lyngby

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