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Structural Mechanics Developer - Career Opportunities


COMSOL is seeking a developer with a strong interest in continuum mechanics to join our structural mechanics team in Stockholm.

We are looking for a candidate with a solid background in finite element analysis, continuum mechanics, and numerical methods. Experience in one or more of the following areas would be a valuable asset:

  • Structural dynamics, including time-explicit methods
  • Reduced-order modeling
  • Civil engineering analysis, including geomechanics
  • Beams, shells, and other structural elements
  • Fatigue, reliability, and fracture mechanics
  • Constitutive modeling
  • Composite materials and structures
  • Use of COMSOL Multiphysics or other finite element software

Since development projects frequently involve collaboration with experts in areas like acoustics, fluid mechanics, and electromagnetism, having a broad understanding of various physics fields is advantageous.

Most of the programming is done using our own tools, the Physics Builder and the Application Builder, but we also work with Java and C/C++. However, coding is just one aspect of our work; the core of what we do lies in mathematics, physics, and algorithm development.

Primary Responsibilities

  • Implement new functionality in existing and new products
  • Maintain the code base
  • Write specifications for new functionality and GUI design
  • Assist the global support and sales departments with challenging modeling problems
  • Develop example models and apps
  • Write technical documentation


  • Ph.D. or M.Sc. with excellent merits. Mechanical or civil engineering, applied mathematics, or physics are suitable backgrounds
  • Strong analytical and mathematical skills
  • Ability to quickly grasp new scientific topics
  • Interest in numerical simulations
  • Interest and talent for developing well-structured code
  • Excellent English language skills, both verbal and written


  • A challenging opportunity to expand your knowledge in a wide variety of physics application areas, and to work on problems spanning all engineering fields
  • Working in highly creative and qualified teams with a diversity of experience
  • Casual atmosphere in our office located in downtown Stockholm

More Information
You must be eligible to work in Sweden to apply for this position. We review applications continuously.

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Diplomvej 376, 2800 Lyngby

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