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If you have a genuine interest in becoming part of our organization, you are very welcome to upload your resume and a short-motivated application, where you explain how you see us as a match.

When there are vacancies, we look for potential candidates under unsolicited applications – and only then will we decide whether to contact you for an initial interview.

If you have any questions, you are always welcome to contact HR Business Partner Karina Lynge Birkoff at [email protected]

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Daugbjergvej 26, 8000 Aarhus C

Slut dig til et af Nordeuropas mest professionelle konsulenthuse og hjælp de bedste virksomheder med at blive endnu bedre. Skab forandring for vores kunder ved at designe løsninger eller forankre vores anbefalinger i en rolle som konsulent og rådgiver. Eller bliv en del af vores yngre hold af praktikanter og lær om livet i en travl og kundeorienteret kultur.

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