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Automation Engineer


Are you motivated by contributing to the success of one of the leading global providers of automated material handling solutions? Would you like to travel and at the same time work with your interest in automation? Then we look forward to hearing from you.

As an Automation Engineer in the Customer Support Engineering team, you will become part of a small team consisting of creative and highly-skilled colleagues, with whom you will be responsible for PLC upgrade projects as well as keeping the product ownership of the existing technologies.

Supporting our products
As an Automation Engineer you will support and/or have a close co-operation with our Commissioning Engineers, validating old & new products on the initial sites in which they are installed. This will result in some travel activity depending on the projects. In total, you should expect up to 50 days of travelling per year.

Our primary goal is to support and make solutions for our Customer Support projects. You take part in all the project development phases, from spec's trough programming, design, testing etc. Another part of the job is also to help and assist our Global Hotline with PLC support.

Build your knowledge and take on more responsibility
You will be handed a task and trusted with a deadline. Naturally, we will, as your colleagues, share our knowledge and provide you the necessary training, discuss solution possibilities and support you with help and feedback.

You enjoy sharing your knowledge and discussing the best solution with your colleagues, and you actively seek their advice and encourage them to come to you with the best results. Also, you have a playful spirit and enjoy finding solutions to solve complex challenges. Moreover, we are looking for someone with the following qualifications:

  • You have a technical background relating to the tasks described. This could be as an automation technician or similar.
  • You are a skilled PLC programmer with knowledge of Siemens S7 and Siemens TIA
  • You speak and write English fluently, and if you do not know Danish already, you want to learn.

If you have other competencies, we would also like to hear from you. Maybe you have that special something that we did not know we need.

You will be part of the world’s elite...
... within modification/upgrades of existing sortation systems - the job is therefore both exciting and developing. You will have good and very competent colleagues, and you will experience a positive work environment where humour is an integrated part of the working day. Salary and terms of employment are negotiated individually and will reflect your qualifications.

Please apply as soon as possible as interviews are held on an ongoing basis. For further information on the job, please contact Head of CS Project Engineering, Claus Hartmeyer Nielsen on +45 2992 7444.

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P.O. Pedersens Vej 10, 8200 Aarhus N

With 4,500 employees in more than 70 countries we offer intralogistic solutions for conveying, loading, palletising, packaging, sortation and baggage handling.

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