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Employees wanted for a recycling site in Kolding


We are currently looking for committed employees to sort used plastic at the recycling station in Kolding.

We are currently looking for dedicated employees for a long-term temporary position. Your main task will be sorting used plastic from conveyor belts at the recycling station in Kolding.

There are no specific requirements for your qualifications or experience. The most important thing is that you are energetic and not too sensitive, as the work takes place at a recycling station. You must be detail-oriented and quality-conscious.

Personal skills:

  • You are energetic and committed
  • You work carefully and with a focus on quality
  • You have strong dedication and can take responsibility
  • You are conscientious and work well in teams
  • You are responsible, punctual, and reliable

You will be employed by JKS under the terms of the collective agreement.

To apply for this position, please use the link below. We also encourage you to create your CV on our website so that you will automatically be considered for other job opportunities. Applications are processed continuously, and the position may be filled before the deadline.

We are currently looking for dedicated employees for a long-term temporary position. Your main task will be sorting used plastic from conveyor belts at the recycling station in Kolding.

There are no specific requirements for your qualifications or experience. The most important thing is that you are energetic and not too sensitive, as the work takes place at a recycling station. You must be detail-oriented and quality-conscious.

Personal skills:

  • You are energetic and committed
  • You work carefully and with a focus on quality
  • You have strong dedication and can take responsibility
  • You are conscientious and work well in teams
  • You are responsible, punctual, and reliable

You will be employed by JKS under the terms of the collective agreement.

To apply for this position, please use the link below. We also encourage you to create your CV on our website so that you will automatically be considered for other job opportunities. Applications are processed continuously, and the position may be filled before the deadline.

Egevej 2, 1. sal, Aabenraa

Sdr. Ringvej 42, Kolding

Location: Kolding

Application deadline: 20 Sep 2024

This job posting is collected from company pages and is only shown as short resume. Read entire job ad here:

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Rødkløvervej 2, 6950 Ringkøbing

JKS lagde fra land som et mindre skibsværft tæt på Ringkøbing i 1995. I tidens løb har vi udviklet os til en af Danmarks førende vikar- og rekrutteringsvirksomheder. Vi er i dag specialister i at sikre virksomheder kvalificeret arbejdskraft og hjælpe mennesker i arbejde.

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