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Shelter and Settlement Assistant

DRC - Dansk Flygtningehjælp

Reporting to the Shelter & Settlement Team Leader/ Manager; This position will provide day-to-day supervision of Construction activities, SNFI assessment, distribution, and Other relevant duties as directed by the Shelter & Settlement Manager/Team Leader.


  • Continuously quality check and material utilization control in the field.
  • Participate in technical assessments.
  • Supervise ongoing construction and rehabilitation projects on the sites.
  • Quality control of material and the implemented activities.
  • Participate in construction activities including S/NFIs distribution when required.
  • Participate in technical and rapid needs assessments of the situation in the event of an emergency in collaboration with other stakeholders to address construction problems
  • Submits reports to the immediate supervisor every Friday and as required.
  • Participate in relevant meetings with community leaders, block leaders, RRC, UNHCR, and other stakeholders.
  • Directly supervises casual Craftsperson Team as agreed with the Shelter and Settlement Manager
  • Ensure the observance of the DRC Code of Conduct throughout activity implementation
  • Planning and organizing work schedules, casual member monitoring, and guidance.
  • Quality control and site monitoring ensuring that services are in accordance with SPHERE standards
  • Beneficiaries’ list data collection, field verification, handover documentation GPS data collection, and maintaining a record.

Experience and technical competencies:

  • Vocational training in a technical field with a certificate or diploma alternatively hold a diploma/ degree in technical field with additional one year experience in supervision of technical works.
  • Conversant with all basic MS Office software applications
  • Mobilization, and Preparing paperwork for daily casual workers (Attendance sheets and daily contracts).
  • Good planning, organizational and problem-solving skills with the ability to work both independently and within a team in a demanding work environment.
  • Good personnel management skills, including communication, negotiating skills, and working with different groups, partners, and nationalities.
  • Experience in working in complex, contexts, under tight deadlines, hardship location


Location: Malakal

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DRC - Dansk Flygtningehjælp

Main office: Borgergade 10, 1300 København K

Dansk Flygtningehjælp hjælper flygtninge og internt fordrevne overalt i verden: Vi giver akut nødhjælp, kæmper for deres rettigheder og styrker deres fremtidsmuligheder. Vi er til stede i konfliktområderne, langs flugtruterne og dér, hvor flygtningene bosætter sig. Vi samarbejder med de lokale samfund om ansvarlige og bæredygtige løsninger. Vi arbejder for en vellykket integration og – når det er muligt – for, at flygtninge og fordrevne kan få opfyldt ønsket om at vende hjem.

Workplace has right now 500 employees with higher educational background. In last periode they hired 10 candidates and 25 students and interns.

We DO NOT ACCEPT unsolicited job applications.
We perodically offer student internships

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