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Aalborg Universitet (AAU)


At the Technical Faculty of IT and Design, the Department of Computer Science at Aalborg University has a fully-funded postdoc position for two years available. The candidate will be working on formal verification of neural-network control policies. The expected starting date is May 1, 2025, but a later date can be negotiated.

The Department of Computer Science features a broad range of synergistic activities within research and education in the general area of computer science, including curiosity-driven research and targeted research in collaboration with industrial partners, traditional university education with a unique problem- and project-based focus, and continued education and knowledge dissemination.

The project addresses the fundamental question of how to trust a neural network that controls a dynamical system. Since neural networks are large black boxes, we need both automatic methods to analyze such systems and human-interpretable certificates of the analysis results. We will devise automatic and sound methods to respectively certify correctness and incorrectness of neural-network controllers. We will also develop a framework that integrates these methods for constructing correct-by-design controllers. Methodologically, we will investigate how traditional computer-science techniques for verification and falsification as well as machine learning can be tailored to these goals. This way, the project lays the grounds toward safe AI control systems.

The candidate will be responsible for planning, conducting, and disseminating high-quality research in close collaboration with the other project members, and is particularly expected to take a role in providing guidance to the two PhD students.

The candidate will be part of the Distributed, Embedded and Distributed Systems research group:

Applicants must have a PhD degree in computer science or a closely related field such as mathematics. Due to the project’s angle, applicants should have a strong background in at least one of the following areas: formal methods, machine learning. Additional knowledge and experience within the following areas are appreciated: formal verification, deep learning, dynamical systems, control theory. Excellent spoken and written communication skills in English are expected.

Qualification requirements
Appointment as Postdoc presupposes scientific qualifications at PhD–level or similar scientific qualifications. The research potential of each applicant will be emphasized in the overall assessment. Appointment as a Postdoc cannot exceed a period of four years in total at Aalborg University.

The application must contain the following:

  • A cover letter of max. 2 pages(excl. references), including(i) motivation for applying,(ii) preferred starting date, and(iii) an explanation of the applicant’s background and suitability for the position
  • A current curriculum vitae.
  • Copies of relevant diplomas(Master of Science and PhD- both in english).
  • The PhD thesis
  • Personal data.

The applications are only to be submitted online by using the"Apply online" button below.

The assessment of candidates for the position will be carried out by qualified experts.

Shortlisting will be applied. This means that after the application deadline, the head of the department, with the assistance of the hiring committee, will select the applicants to be assessed. All applicants will be informed whether they have been shortlisted for assessment or not.

When the hiring process is completed, a final rejection will be sent to the applicants who are not considered for the position.

Contact information
You may obtain further professional information from Associate Professor Christian Schilling,[email protected]

For further information concerning the application procedure please contact the HR Department by [email protected]. Information regarding guidelines, ministerial circular in force and procedures can be seenhere.

AAU wishes to reflect the diversity of society and welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background or belief.

The hiring process at Aalborg University may include a risk assessment as a tool to identify potential risks associated with new hires, ensuring the safety, compliance, and integrity of the workplace.

Løn og ansættelsesvilkår
The employment is in accordance with the Ministerial Order on the Appointment of Academic Staff at Universities(the Appointment Order) and the Ministerial Order on Job Structure for Academic Staff at Universities. Salary and terms of employment are in accordance with the collective agreement between the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations and the state(AC collective agreement)(only in Danish) and circular concerning protocol on certain terms of employment of academic staff at universities(only in Danish).


Ref. nummer

Department of Computer Science

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Application deadline 02 March 2025
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Aalborg Universitet (AAU)

Main office: Fredrik Bajers Vej 7K, 9100 Aalborg

AAU’s uddannelser og forskning er problem- og projektbaseret og har fokus på det tværdisciplinære. Gennem samarbejde mellem forskere, studerende og offentlige og private virksomheder udbyder vi virkelighedsnære uddannelser og skaber forskningsresultater i verdensklasse. På AAU tror vi på, at viden kan og skal forandre verden. Derfor er AAU et universitet med ambitioner, der rækker langt udenfor murene og ind i kernen af de mest presserende globale og lokale brændpunkter.

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