Business analyst with compliance focus
Tryg Forsikring A/S
Are you enthusiastic about software development and business requirements? And would you like to be part of a journey aiming at placing Tryg as the top insurance company in the Nordics?
About the role | Analysis & Research
You will join our Business Partner & Group projects team, where we act as IT partners for the group functions in Tryg. We work with diverse kinds of IT projects across the organization and support the work with initiation of new initiatives and implementing IT projects.
As a Business Analyst you will leverage analysis, market research and business strategy to guide your stakeholders in making informed decisions. You will identify and analyse organisational needs and design and implement technology solutions that improve, processes, systems, and software.
In this specific role you will work very much with business and compliance requirements, helping to translate the legal terms into processes and IT solutions, but you will also be involved in other kinds of IT projects. This you will do in cooperation with several business units, IT, and our legal/compliance department.
You will establish the foundation for assessing the business impact and decision-making, that influence the business vision, strategy, and operations. You are going to collaborate on clarifying and establishing the business guardrails for the solutions.
You ensure that the right activities are kicked off inside the project. In collaboration with the business counterpart, you coordinate everything around the early initiation before reaching the IT implementation pipeline – from initiative scoping, Enterprise Architecture alignment, and delivery team assembly.
About you | Strong and emphatic communicator
We are open to diverse backgrounds, but we expect that you bring in-depth knowledge of working in larger execution setups like Programs / ARTs. Business understanding and empathy are essential to bringing development, operation, security, and business closer together.
We believe it is important that you:
- Are a great facilitator and a strong communicator across and at all levels in the organization.
- Help break down Epics into initial Features and user stories with belonging Acceptance Criteria in close collaboration with relevant team members/key stakeholders
- Define high-quality business requirements using relevant agile methods and techniques that capture the system behaviour, data, and business processes
- Has knowledge about compliance and experience in implementing IT solutions with high degree of legal complexity
- Contribute to bridging business to technical communication using visuals and facilitation
- Can communicate fluently in one of the Scandinavian languages as well as English.
About us | Professionalism and collaboration
When joining Tryg and our IT organization, you will be a part of a workplace that is known for exceptional professionalism and competence and at the same time friendly, collaborative, and supportive. We are serious about a healthy work-life balance, and about having fun. What we do matters to others, which is embedded in Tryg’s culture and reflects positively on the atmosphere and how we work. We are heading a very exiting period for Tryg as we have entered our new strategy 27.
We offer you a challenging opportunity to join an ambitious team of good colleagues and to influence your job in a friendly and open atmosphere of a Nordic company. This position is open in Ballerup, Denmark.
Send your application as soon as possible and no later than the 3rd of February 2025, as we will be conducting interviews continuously. If you have any questions regarding the role, you are welcome to contact Sanne Balsby, [email protected] / +45 30761592.
Diversitet & inklusion skaber et stærkere Tryg
Vi mener, at mangfoldighed i tankegang er afgørende for vores fremtidige succes, og vi ønsker at afspejle det samfund, vi er en del af. Derfor arbejder vi målrettet på at sikre en mangfoldig og inkluderende arbejdsplads, hvor du føler dig respekteret, kan være dig selv og har lige muligheder for at udvikle dig og gøre karriere.
Vi opfordrer derfor alle, uanset køn, alder, oprindelse eller baggrund, til at søge stillingen.
Læs mere om, hvordan det er at arbejde i Tryg
Sammen om din karriereudvikling
Hos Tryg har vi høj medarbejdertilfredshed og et stærkt tværfagligt miljø med gode karrieremuligheder. Udvikling og læring er en konstant proces hos os, og vi ønsker, at du vokser og udvikler dig sammen med os.
Uanset om du vil udvide dine faglige kompetencer, tage næste skridt i karrieren eller udforske nye områder, støtter vi dig på din udviklingsrejse.
Udforsk dine muligheder her
Er vores kendetegn også dine?
Vis tillid
Hos Tryg bygger vi på hinandens tillid, når vi bevæger os ud på ukendt grund som morgendagens tryghedsskaber. Vi tror på, at tillid og frihed under ansvar motiverer din nysgerrighed og dit mod til at gå nye veje. Du får ledere og kolleger, der lægger vægt på både trivsel og resultater.
Hos Tryg oplever du en kultur, der bygger på tillid, ansvar og udvikling hele vejen rundt..
Tag ansvar
Når du starter i Tryg, vil du hurtigt opdage, at ansvar er noget, der fylder. Jo mere ansvar, du vil have, jo mere får du, når du viser, at du kan leve op til det.
Her får du mandat til at udforske nye muligheder, koncepter og løsninger, der skaber tryghed for kunder, kollegaer og samfund i dag og i morgen.
Skab udvikling
I Tryg går du forrest og skaber udviklingen sammen med dine kolleger. Det kræver både mod, vilje og evnen til at gå nye veje. Her tør vi tage chancer, og det giver dig frihed til at forfølge dine idéer og skabe noget nyt.
Det giver store muligheder for dig, som kan, vil og tør sætte tryk på din egen og på Trygs udvikling.
Ansøg nu »
This job posting is collected from company pages and is only shown as short resume. Read entire job ad here: