My main interest is in Valuation, Budgeting, Business Analysis and Financial Analysis. During my studies I have focused on electives as Advanced Corporate Finance, M&A and Financial Modeling in Excel I strive to work in a company, where I through my skills as an Analyst can help to shape the comp

Analysis Analyse Business Strategy Economics Financial Controlling Business Development Financial Planning Forretningsudvikling M&A Business Finance  

Updated 25. januar 2017
My education
2012 - 2015


Copenhagen Business School - CBS

Educational area: Økonomi & Revision
Period: januar 2012 - januar 2015
My work experience
2012 - 2017

Business Analyst

Business Analyst hos FIH Erhvervsbank. Har udført diverese analyseopgaver i forbindelse med salget af bankens udlånsportefølje. Har stået for den daglige collateral management, bogføring af ind- og udbetalinger, samt bankafstemninger og diverse regnskabsprocesser.
Work area: Data & Analyse
Period: april 2012 - marts 2017
My skills and abilities
none specified
Skills at working proficiency
dansk english norsk svensk
My preferences
Job type
Deltidsjob Freelance Fuldtidsjob Graduate/trainee Vikariat
Work areas
Bank & Forsikring Data & Analyse Indkøb Kommunikation, Media & SoMe Økonomi & Forvaltning
Nordsjælland Storkøbenhavn Østsjælland
Contact me!