I consider myself a reliable Software engineer who always curious about learning new technologies and techniques. I am already in the industry, eager to get work. Furthermore, I have a long work experience (over 10 years) as a support IT technician for both private and company costumers.

Java C C# JS ansible javascript power shell windows office windows server linux Cloud vmware embeddedsystem backend git mcu  

Updated 28. november 2019
My education
2018 - 2019

Master, Softwareudvikling

Anden uddannelsesinstitution i udlandet

Master program in Computer Science (60 ECT) Malmö University - Sweden
Link: https://edu.mau.se/sv/Program/TACSO
• Advanced courses in software development: Agile software process development.
• Connected system and devices (Project): Using Axis surveillance camera, by applying the motion detection and image recognition to detect the suspicious objects.
• Interaction technology (Project): Smart office by using sensors, integrate the Hardware with the Software (IoT) show results on a webservice.
• Thesis work: Intersection coordination for Autonomous vehicles due the need of having autonomous cars in the near feature, building and prototyping an intersection control for the new car’s generation will be a hot topic.
Link : http://muep.mau.se/handle/2043/29660
Technologies/Methods: C, C++, JS, IoT, Machine learning, Python, Linux, Git, Agile, AWS, VISSIM.
Educational area: IT
Period: september 2018 - juli 2019
2015 - 2018

Anden lang videregående udd.

Anden uddannelsesinstitution i udlandet

Computer Science in Engineering specialization in Embedded Systems (180 ECT)
Kristianstad University – Sweden
Link: https://www.hkr.se/en/program/tbcsh/programme-syllabus
Three years program in computer science and software development with a focus on embedded systems the program was about both hardware and mainly on software that controls the embedded devices, explains the concept of the Internet of things, Digital/Analog signal processing, sensors, automation and IoT.

Courses taken:
Algorithms and Data Structures
Applied Mathematics 1
Applied Mathematics 2
Applied Physics
Data Communications (Client – Server iP-TCP)
Database Technique (SQL)
Discrete Mathematics and Statistics
Embedded Systems 1 (Arduino, C, Atmega, AD)
Embedded Systems 2 (Texas instrument Tiva, C, PWM)
Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Fundamental Programming (Java)
Introductory Course with Engineering Methodology
Methods for Measuring Electricity
Network Communication (JEE)
Object-Oriented Programming (JAVA)
Operating Systems (RAM, HDD, CPU, Windows, Linux)
Programming in C (C)
Project Engineering (Project – Sensor testing platform, C, Electronics, PCB)
Signal Processing (DSP, Fourier transform, MATLAB, Simulink)
Software Engineering (JAVA)
Wireless Communications (Wireless, Bluetooth, BLE)
Technologies/Methods: C, C++, Java, Git, TCP IP, MATLAB, Edwin XP, Atmega, Arduino, ARM, Texas instrument, Engineering Mathematics, DSP.
Educational area: IT
Period: august 2015 - august 2018
My preferences
Job type
Work areas
Udlandet (øvrige)
25.000 DKK / month
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