Statistics for jobs for highly educated

Development in job and career offers

The numbers are generated through statistics created through job collection for the jobbank network. Job statistics are updated with latest values on monthly basis.
Missing data is either due to the company not having any relevant jobs during this timespan or due to not being included in our job statistics within this particular period.
Notice - high uncertainty: Statistics for this company are based on only 6 registered job ads in total.


Lucernemarken 15, 3520 Farum

MagVenture is a TMS provider, market-leading manufacturer of non-invasive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) systems. Privately-owned and headquartered in Denmark, it has been pioneering cutting edge TMS solutions for more than 30 years. MagVenture’s TMS systems are used for a wide range of applications in both research and treatment in the fields of psychiatry, neurophysiology, neurology, cognitive neuroscience, and rehabilitation.

We accept unsolicited job applications: Apply through our webpages

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