Current jobs at Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU)

Postdoc in Modeling of High Temperature PEM Fuel Cells - DTU Energy

Modelling expert to do multi-physics modelling of PEM-fuel cells. Are you passionate about advancing fuel cell technologies and contributing to innovative solutions for energy resilience under harsh conditions? Do you thrive in international collaborative settings and wish to play a key role in an EU-funded project with researchers from multiple countries? If so, this postdoc position could be a good opportunity for you.

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Projektsekretær/projektkoordinator (barselsvikar) til virksomhedssamarbejde på DTU

Danmarks Tekniske Universitet søger en skarp og struktureret medarbejder, der kan hjælpe med at koordinere og administrere universitetets partnerskaber med Novo Nordisk og med andre store danske virksomheder. Stillingen er et barselsvikariat, som løber til 31. marts 2026. Danmarks Tekniske Universitet søger en skarp og struktureret medarbejder, der kan hjælpe med at koordinere og administrere universitetets samarbejde med erhvervslivet

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PhD project in “Enhancing renewable power plants’ performance through advanced control methods” - DTU Wind

Would you like to become part of the solution toward green energy transition, by helping develop the methods for modeling renewable power plants and future energy systems? Would you like to become part of the solution toward green energy transition, by helping develop the methods for modeling renewable power plants and future energy systems?

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Two Postdoc positions in N2 (CO2) activation using Thermal or Electrochemical approaches at SurfCat – DTU Physics

Join Our Team at Surfcat and help us innovate in Activating Molecular Nitrogen, both Thermally and Electrochemically. At Surfcat, we have a successful record of activating molecular nitrogen both through thermal and electrochemically. Thermally, we have discovered new classes of promotion based on spin quenching on Cobalt and Nickel through surface science experiments. Now, we aim to realize high-area materials by capitalizing on this insight (see SCIENCE 383 (2024) 1357).

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Part-time Academic Employee in Mixed-Reality for Schools - DTU Compute

Join an Erasmus+ Key Action 2 project team to facilitate the process of co-designing and evaluating an MR authoring tool for schools. Collaborate with schoolteachers and EU partners (France, Turkey). Responsibilities: Coordinate participatory use case design of MR tool, pilot study, & community management. Have Danish pedagogical knowledge, network in Danish schools, technological-pedagogical knowledge, & English fluency.

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PhD scholarship in Intestinal Microbiology - DTU Food

The PhD position is to join the dynamic research group of Gut, Microbes and health to investigate how diet can regulate gut microbial metabolic activity to prevent the development of cardiometabolic diseases. We are looking for an ambitious microbiologist with an interest in diet, intestinal microbiome and prevention of cardiometabolic diseases (CMDs), for a 3-year PhD position.

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Business Controller – budget- og økonomistyring – Afd. for Økonomi og Regnskab

Vil du have spændende ansvar, worklife balance og bidrage til at skabe en bedre verden? Værsgo – så er jobbet her! Vil du have spændende ansvar, worklife balance og bidrage til at skabe en bedre verden? Værsgo så er jobbet her! Ligger din faglige interesse inden for buget- og økonomistyring, og kunne du tænke dig et job, hvor din indsats gør en forskel på et lidt højere plan end normalt? Som Business Controller er du med til at støbe et sundt, økonomisk fundament for DTU’s mission

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PhD position in Controlled Synthesis and Characterization of Catalysts for Electrochemical Energy Conversion Reactions - DTU Physics

The position is at the SurfCat section at the Department of Physics. Here we enjoy a social, open and transparent scientific environment. The students will be able to take full advantage of the large number of personnel working in adjacent fields of investigation, from surface science on single crystals to the testing of high surface area catalysts in reactors.

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Microfluidics specialist - DTU Bioengineering

Microfluidics specialist for support in running microfluidics fabrication facility and laboratory within the Protein Biophysics research group in the Protein Chemistry & Enzyme Technology Section, DTU Bioengineering. DTU Bioengineering is seeking to employ a microfluidics specialist (AC-TAP) who will be responsible for the maintenance and operation, as well as user training of the microfluidics fabrication facility within the Protein Biophysics Research group led by Prof

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PhD scholarship in AI Controlled Combustion Engine - Fuel Ratings - DTU Construct

We need to reduce climate impact by replacing fossil fuel. The work will be focusing on rating hydrogen, ammonia, methanol, ethanol and other bio and e-fuels in terms of auto ignition behavior. We need to reduce climate impact by replacing fossil fuel. In this PhD project you can help with the green transition by enabling widespread use of alternative fuels

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PhD scholarship in AI Controlled Combustion Engine - Closed Loop Combustion Control - DTU Construct

We need to reduce climate impact by replacing fossil fuel. In this PhD project you can help with the green transition by enabling widespread use of alternative fuels. We need to reduce climate impact by replacing fossil fuel. In this PhD project you can help with the green transition by enabling widespread use of alternative fuels. As biofuels and e-fuels will be more expensive, at least initially, it is of paramount importance to use them with the highest possible efficiency

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PhD scholarship in Internet of Underwater Things - DTU Compute

Join our team as a PhD candidate to work in underwater IoT at DTU Compute, focusing on cutting-edge research in underwater and terrestrial Low Power communication to enable innovative ecosystems for renewable energy technologies and infrastructure in ports and the maritime sector. A PhD position in Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT) is available in the Embedded Systems Engineering (ESE) research section at DTU Compute

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Postdoc in AI Controlled Engine – Combustion Mode Changes - DTU Construct

DTU Construct is searching for a Postdoc for AI Controlled Engine – Combustion Mode Changes. We need to reduce climate impact by replacing fossil fuel. In this project you can help with the green transition by enabling widespread use of alternative fuels. We need to reduce climate impact by replacing fossil fuel. In this project you can help with the green transition by enabling widespread use of alternative fuels

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PhD scholarship in 3-D Super Resolution Ultrasound Imaging - DTU Health Tech

A 3-year PhD scholarship is available at the Center for Fast Ultrasound Imaging (CFU), Department of at DTU Compute from early 2025 sponsored by the European Research Council (ERC) and the Department of Health Technology at DTU. It is conducted in the ERC Synergy Grant “3-D Super resolution Ultrasound Real time imaging of Erythrocytes” - SURE.

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PhD scholarship in Quantification of flow using Super Resolution Ultrasound Imaging - DTU Health Tech

A 3-year PhD scholarship is available at the Center for Fast Ultrasound Imaging (CFU), Department of at DTU Compute from early 2025 sponsored by the European Research Council (ERC) and the Department of Health Technology at DTU. It is conducted in the ERC Synergy Grant “3-D Super resolution Ultrasound Real time imaging of Erythrocytes” - SURE.

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PhD scholarship in Applied Mathematics - DTU Compute

We are looking for a PhD candidate for a fully funded position in the field of dynamical systems theory, with a focus on advancing the area of geometric singular perturbation theory. Are you interested in gaining the qualifications and experience to pursue a career where advanced mathematical techniques are developed? Would you like to advance applied mathematics and deepen our understanding of various applications? Then a PhD in mathematics at DTU Compute is the ideal place for you.

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Data Analyst with Focus on Geomagnetic Data Processing – DTU Space

DTU Space is looking for a part-time position with focus on geomagnetic data processing. Join DTU Space on geomagnetic data processing! Are you passionate about unravelling the mysteries of Earth’s magnetic field? Do you have a keen eye for detail, a self-motivated attitude, and strong problem-solving skills? If so, we invite you to apply for a researcher position at DTU Space, where you'll contribute to cutting-edge research in geomagnetic data processing. About the role

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PhD scholarship Modelling Green Maritime Fuel Transition taking into Account Risk and Uncertainty – DTU Management

The Climate and Energy Policy Division at DTU's Department of Technology, Management and Economics offers a three-year PhD position in energy system modelling focusing on the Green Maritime fuel transition taking into account risk and uncertainty. The scholarship is linked to a MSCA network project focusing on Ports as Energy Transition Hubs.

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PhD scholarship in High-Efficiency Energy Conversion Developing New Piezoelectric and Pyroelectric Oxide Thin Films - DTU Energy

This PhD research, part of a Villum project (SYMTEC), is dedicated to identifying new oxide thin film materials with piezoelectric and pyroelectric properties. We are seeking a highly talented, strongly self-motivated PhD candidate with an outstanding academic record for this emerging field of research

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Senior Researcher in Modelling of the Ionosphere - DTU Space

DTU Space is seeking applications for a senior researcher in space research, with a focus on physical processes taking place in Earth's polar ionosphere and magnetosphere. DTU Space is seeking applications for a senior researcher in space research, with a focus on physical processes taking place in Earth's polar ionosphere and magnetosphere. The position involves computational modelling of these processes, as well as the collection, processing, modelling, and interpretation of observed data

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PhD scholarship in Water Thermodynamics using the Two-State Theory - DTU Chemical Engineering

Water is an extraordinary liquid with many thermodynamic properties which can be considered anomalous. This project aims to investigate whether a new theory, the so-called two-state concept, can result in improved description of water thermodynamics including electrolytes. We seek a talented and motivated PhD student who is willing to be part of a world-leading research environment and contribute to the development of novel thermodynamic models for water and aqueous solutions

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Postdoc in advanced data science for cryosphere science with satellite SAR and altimeter data and dynamic visions sensors for space and geoscience app

DTU Space is hiring a postdoc candidate to do deep learning models to map sea ice freeboard in Sentinel-1 satellite SAR images, work with dynamic vision sensors for geoscience applications, and perform satellite validation and gravitational field work. We are looking for a cross-disciplinary postdoc candidate to work with cryosphere, space and geoscience applications

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Chef for Danmarks Forskningsportal - IT Service

Vil du stå i spidsen for en spændende national digital forskningsinfrastruktur - og det team af engagerede eksperter, der udvikler og driver denne? Så er det måske dig, vi søger til et spændende lederjob. Vil du stå i spidsen for en spændende national digital forskningsinfrastruktur - og det team af engagerede eksperter, der udvikler og driver denne? Så er det måske dig, vi søger til et spændende lederjob.

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PhD scholarship in Control Systems for Next-Generation Variable-Speed Drives - DTU Wind

This PhD project’s objective is to propose and demonstrate methods that allow the efficient integration of LC filters into electric drives for pumps, fans, compressors and other assets. You will work closely with electric drive manufacturers and system operators.

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Maskinmester - DTU Aqua

Institut for Akvatiske Ressourcer (DTU Aqua) søger en 1. Maskinmester til havundersøgelsesskibet R/V DANA, som har hjemhavn i Hirtshals. Institut for Akvatiske Ressourcer (DTU Aqua) søger en 1. Maskinmester til havundersøgelsesskibet R/V DANA, som har hjemhavn i Hirtshals. R/V DANA, som har hjemhavn i Hirtshals, er et oceangående forskningsskib bygget primært til fiskeriforskning.

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DTU Tenure Track Researcher position in Auditory Neurophysiology - DTU Health Tech

If you are motivated when it comes to leading research in auditory neurophysiology, establish rodent electrophysiology facilities, and drive translational research, you could be the one we are looking for. The Centre for Auditory Neuroscience at DTU Health Tech invites applicants for a position as a tenure track researcher in Auditory Neurophysiology. Responsibilities and qualifications

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PhD scholarship in 3D Vision for Robotics - DTU Compute

Work at the intersection of computer vision and robotics to develop autonomous systems that enhance human capabilities across industries. Focus on perception for robot learning and real-world applications. Ideal for candidates interested in multi-modal input, continual learning, and adaptive task methods for 3D computer vision.

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PhD scholarship in Membrane Technologies for Seawater Desalination and Power-to-X - DTU Sustain

Ultrapure water (UPW) plays a crucial role in green hydrogen production at offshore Power-to-X (PtX) plants. This PhD project focuses on the design of high-performance membranes and their use in membrane distillation processes to transform seawater into UPW by harvesting waste heat from PtX plants.

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PhD Scholarship in Integrated Direct Air Capture and CO2 Utilization - DTU Energy

Join our team to advance pioneering CO2 capture and utilization technologies. This position offers a unique opportunity to contribute to sustainable solutions, enhancing environmental impact through cutting-edge research and development in carbon management. If you are looking to advance your career in scientific research and seeking an opportunity that aligns with your ambitions in the field of carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and utilization, this position is ideal for you

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PhD scholarship in Photonics Integrated Circuits for Biomedical Imaging – DTU Electro

DTU Electro is seeking a candidate for a PhD position on photonic integrated circuits, which can enable solid-state optical beam steering and will be used for the next generation biomedical imaging. If you want to establish your career as an early-stage researcher and are currently looking for the best possible foundation for your dreams and ambitions, it is right here in front of you

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PhD Positions (2) in Advanced Methods for Human Behaviour Analysis in Future Transport Systems Using Virtual Reality – DTU Management

Two PhD positions focusing on developing and testing the next generation of mathematical models for explaining and predicting human behaviour and decision-making in the context of future transport and infrastructure systems using data collected through immersive virtual reality experiments

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Three PhD Scholarships for Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant in Intelligent Ingestible Devices for Gastrointestinal Therapeutics, Diagnosis, or Interventio

The Intelli-Ingest Doctoral Network will train 13 researchers in the development of minimally invasive, orally delivered miniaturized devices. In connection with work package 1 Ingestible for Therapeutics, we are currently looking for three PhD students who will be working on 3 different projects. Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) Doctoral Networks are joint research and training projects funded by the European Union

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DTU Tenure Track Researcher in Computational Design of Non-Conventional Energy Materials - DTU Energy

DTU Energy seeks a tenure-track researcher in computational design of non-conventional energy materials. Focus areas include solid-state thermal batteries, inverted singlet-triplet photoactive materials, and oxide freestanding films. The role involves developing algorithms and simulations for three innovative projects: Anti-Hund, Heat2Battery, and NEXUS.

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Digital FM-Koordinator – DTU Campus Service

Brænder du for digital bygningsdrift? Vil du gerne tage styrepinden som hands-on digital FM-koordinator, implementere digitale processer i bygningsdrift og præge fremtidens facilities management som repræsentant for en af Danmarks største og mest ambitiøse Byg- og driftsherre? Digital FM-koordinator til stor og ambitiøs byg- og driftsherre

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PhD scholarship in Logic and AI - DTU Compute

The Technical University of Denmark (DTU) is offering a PhD scholarship in logic and AI within the research project Attention in Epistemic Planning. The PhD project involves developing logical theories, algorithms, and robotic implementations of attention-based epistemic planning. DTU is offering a PhD scholarship in logic and AI within the research project Attention in Epistemic Planning

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PhD scholarship in Smart Materials for Sustainable Indoor Air Quality Management - DTU Sustain

We seek a highly motivated PhD student to explore smart materials for sustainable built environment control. This interdisciplinary EU project offers the chance to develop and apply cutting-edge advanced materials (e.g., metal-organic frameworks) in designing a groundbreaking air-cleaning system. Are you pursuing a career in science and seeking the perfect foundation to achieve your ambitions? The ideal opportunity awaits you

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Strategic PhD scholarship in AI-Based Dynamic Blackout Anticipation Methods for Future Power Systems – DTU Wind

We are seeking a PhD student to join our world-leading research environment at DTU and contribute to developing next-generation AI-based tools for power systems. The project will focus on developing dynamic blackout anticipation and prevention methods using a digital twin of future power systems. This involves employing AI-based dynamic simulation tools, collaborating on the digital twin of the Bornholm Energy Island, and innovating solutions to enhance power system resilience.

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Professor in Biomedical Engineering, Biomaterials, and Cellular Engineering – DTU Health Tech

The Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Department of Health Technology (DTU Health Tech), invites applications for a professor position in the interdisciplinary field of biomedical engineering, biomaterials, and cellular engineering. The Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Department of Health Technology (DTU Health Tech), invites applications for a professor position in the interdisciplinary field of biomedical engineering, biomaterials, and cellular engineering

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PhD scholarship in Design of automatic maintenance recommendation system for wind turbine components - DTU Wind

The objective of this PhD project is to design an automated component monitoring and maintenance recommendation system for bolts. The system will monitor the bolt tension and automatically generate work orders for bolts and tower sections that need to be re-tensioned.

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PhD scholarship in Development and Implementation of an Autonomous Decision Support System for Optimized Maintenance in Wind Turbine Infrastructure -

The PhD project aims to create a versatile, modular, autonomous decision support system to enhance the O&M practices of wind turbines, focusing on faults that cause degradation of the wind turbine and plant power generation performance. The system will integrate a data acquisition subsystem, a ML-based data analytics module, and an autonomous reasoning module to suggest optimal interventions.

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Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU)

Main office: Anker Engelunds Vej 1, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby

DTU udvikler teknologi for mennesker. Med vores forskning og uddannelser i international topklasse er vi med til at skabe en bedre verden, og vi bidrager til løsningen af de globale udfordringer formuleret i FN’s 17 verdensmål for en bæredygtig udvikling.

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