Current jobs at Syddansk Universitet (SDU)

PhD scholarships within the Interreg project FUSION

Application deadline: January 3, 2024. The Department of Business & Management (DBM) at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) invites applications for one or more 3-year PhD scholarships within the Interreg project Facilitating collective climate future envisioning among the youth in the Danish-German border region: Shaping actionable strategies and common initiatives/FUSION under the supervision of Patricia Wolf and Bryan Yazell

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LEGO® Chair of the Centre for Software Technology at SDU Vejle – Full Professor Position

SDU’s new campus in Vejle is set to become a world-class IT research and educational environment. The campus will consist of two research centres aiming to be world-class research environments in interactive technology, software engineering, computer science, and artificial intelligence

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Ingeniørdocent (deltid) søges til undervisning og vejledning ved SDU Robotics

SDU Robotics, Syddansk Universitet, søger en ingeniørdocent (deltid) til undervisning- og vejledningsaktiviteter i Odense. Ansøgningsfristen er 5. januar 2025 kl. 23:59 (dansk tid). SDU Robotics, Syddansk Universitet, søger en ingeniørdocent (deltid) til undervisning- og vejledningsaktiviteter i Odense. Ansøgningsfristen er 5. januar 2025 kl. 23:59 (dansk tid).

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Full Professor Positions sought for the Centre for Software Technology at SDU Vejle

SDU’s new campus in Vejle is set to become a world-class IT research and educational environment. The campus will consist of two research centres aiming to be world-class research environments in interactive technology, software engineering, computer science, and artificial intelligence

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PhD positions in Innovation Management

Application deadline: February 13, 2025. The Department of Business & Management (DBM) at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) invites applications for one or more 3-year PhD positions within the Carlsberg Foundation project Exnovation in Manufacturing: Revealing the Hidden Agent of Change (Ex-Man) under the supervision of Martin Kalthaus. The positions are located at SDU’s Campus in Odense and are vacant from 1st May 2025 or as agreed. Job description

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LEGO® Chair of the Centre for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at SDU Vejle – Full Professor Position

Application deadline: 7 April 2025 at 23:59 hours local Danish time The new campus in Vejle of the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) is set to become an international IT research and educational environment. The campus will consist of two research centres aiming to be world-class research environments in computer science, artificial intelligence, interactive technology, and software engineering

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Videnskabelig assistent - Dansk som Andetsprog på BA i Interkulturel pædagogik og dansk som andetsprog

Videnskabelig assistent - Dansk som Andetsprog på BA i Interkulturel pædagogik og dansk som andetsprog Ved Institut for Kultur- og sprogvidenskaber opslås hermed en stilling som videnskabelig assistent til ansættelse i perioden 1. februar 2025 til 31.juli 2025. Stillingen er på 11 timer om ugen. Stillingen omfatter undervisning og eksamination i Dansk som Andetsprog på BA i Interkulturel pædagogik og dansk som andetsprog.

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Videnskabelig Assistent - Project Management and Stakeholder Relations: Corporate Heritage Communication

SDU Center for Organizing Social Sustainability is excited to announce a research assistant position in the field of (business) communication / cultural studies. Application deadline 17th February 2025 at 12.59 PM/23.59 (CET/CEST). SDU Center for Organizing Social Sustainability is excited to announce a research assistant position in the field of (business) communication / cultural studies

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PhD Position in AI and Optimization: Parallel Portfolio Solvers for NP-hard Problems

The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Southern Denmark, Odense, invites applications for PhD positions in programming languages. The positions have a duration of 3 years for candidates who have completed a relevant MSc degree, or 4 years for candidates who have completed 1 year of relevant MSc studies

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PhD Position in Operator Algebras

Application deadline: 28 February 2024 at 23:59 hours local Danish time The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Southern Denmark, Odense, invites applications for a PhD position in operator algebras with a focus on the structure of nuclear C*-algebras and operator systems and generalized inductive limits. The starting date is June 1, 2025 (or nearby date). Candidate Profile

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Postdoc position available: Has the time come for realizing quantum computing for transition metal complexes?

Application deadline: 15 February 2025 at 23:59 hours local One postdoc position within development of novel quantum chemistry computing-based methods towards transition metal complexes is available at the Department of Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacy in Odense. Starting date: 1 March 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter This position is for two years with the possibility for extension by one year. Project background

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Assistant Professor in Quantum Mathematics

Application deadline: 1 February 2025 at 23:59 hours local Danish time The Centre for Quantum Mathematics (QM) at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Southern Denmark (SDU) - eeks outstanding candidates to fill a number of 3-year Assistant Professor positions in Quantum Mathematics with emphasis on pure mathematics with relations to quantum theory or with emphasis on Quantum algorithms, Quantum software and Quantum computing.

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Associate Professor in Quantum Mathematics

Application deadline: 1 February 2054 at 23:59 hours local Danish time The Centre for Quantum Mathematics at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Southern Denmark (SDU) invites applications for a number of positions as Associate Professor in Quantum Mathematics with emphasis on pure mathematics with relations to quantum theory or with emphasis on Quantum algorithms, Quantum software and Quantum computing.

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Professor Position in Quantum Mathematics

Application deadline: 1 March 2025 at 23:59 hours local Danish time The Center for Quantum Mathematics (QM) at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Southern Denmark (SDU) invites applications for a number of positions as Professor in Quantum Mathematics with emphasis on pure mathematics with relations to quantum theory or with emphasis on Quantum algorithms, Quantum software and Quantum computing.

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Ph.D. position available: Targeted Radiotheranostic Pharmaceuticals

Application deadline: 16 January 2025 at 23:59 hours local Danish time A Ph.D. position in chemistry is currently available at the Department of Physics, Chemistry, and Pharmacy. Project background This Ph.D. project will be done in collaboration with the Preclinical Research Group at the Department of Nuclear Medicine, Odense University Hospital. Thus the team is multidisciplinary with expertise in chemistry, radiochemistry, nuclear physics, biomedicine, and molecular biology

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Laborant til Translationel Biomedicin, Institut for Molekylær Medicin, Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet

Laboratoriet i Translationel Biomedicin under ledelse af DIAS Adjunkt Dr. Sanjeeb Kumar Sahu søger erfaren laborant med tiltrædelse pr. 15. januar 2025 eller snarest derefter. Ansættelse er ved Institut for Molekylær Medicin i Odense og er på fuld tid i 6 måneder med mulighed for forlængelse

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Laborant til forskning i inflammation og cancer ved Institut for Molekylær Medicin, Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet

Ved Cancerafdelingen, Institut for Molekylær Medicin på Syddansk Universitet i Odense er en stilling som laborant (37 t/uge) ledig til besættelse 1. april 2025. Stillingen er foreløbigt tidsbegrænset frem til 30. November 2029. Stillingen er tilknyttet lektor Aida Solhøj Hansen i en nyopstartet forskningsgruppe, hvor vi forsker i inflammatoriske hudsygdomme og cancer immunologi

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Videnskabelig assistent til Forskningsenheden Exercise Epidemiology (EXE), Institut for Idræt og Biomekanik

Ved Forskningsenheden Exercise Epidemiology (EXE), Institut for Idræt og Biomekanik, opslås hermed en stilling som videnskabelig assistent, til besættelse i perioden: 15. marts 2025 til 30. juni 2025. Ved Forskningsenheden Exercise Epidemiology (EXE), Institut for Idræt og Biomekanik, opslås hermed en stilling som videnskabelig assistent, til besættelse i perioden: 15. marts 2025 til 30. juni 2025, 32 timer om ugen. Om os

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Research Fellow/Research Assistant Position in 3D Concrete Printing

SDU CREATE invites candidates to apply for a position as a Research Fellow/Assistant in 3D Concrete Printing. One or more positions are to be filled at the earliest opportunity, with a potential start date in February 2025. The application deadline is January 10, 2025, at 23:59 (CET/CEST). SDU CREATE invites candidates to apply for a position as a Research Fellow/Assistant in 3D Concrete Printing

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Declaration of interest regarding PhD project: Men on the edge

The Department of Public Health at SDU are looking for applicants for a PhD scholarship within the field of social inequality of health. We are looking for a person with a relevant undergraduate and master’s degree in public health or related research fields. Research environment The successful candidate will be placed within the Unit for Health Promotion and at the Department of Public Health and will be connected to the research team around the project Men on the edge

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DIAS Professor in Engineering within Robotics

The Danish Institute for Advanced Study (DIAS) at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) seeks an outstanding candidate to fill a full tenured Professor position in the field of Robotics. For decades, SDU has held an international leading position in the field of robotics, encompassing a wide range of technical disciplines within robotics

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Ekstern lektor søges til undervisning i Coaching – SDU Kolding

Ved Institut for Erhverv og Bæredygtighed (IEB) på Syddansk Universitet i Kolding er der en stilling ledig som ekstern lektor til besættelse den 1. januar 2025. Ved Institut for Erhverv og Bæredygtighed (IEB) på Syddansk Universitet i Kolding er der en stilling ledig som ekstern lektor til besættelse den 1. januar 2025. Dine arbejdsopgaver vil være: selvstændigt planlægge og varetagelse af undervisningen i faget ”Coaching” på HD uddannelsen på Campus Kolding.

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Verdens bedste el-tekniker job

Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet på Syddansk Universitet søger en el-tekniker til vores værksted (37 timer pr. uge) til snarlig ansættelse.

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PhD Position in Environmental Epidemiology and Reproductive Health

Project Overview We invite applications for a funded PhD position in a cutting-edge research project examining the impact of maternal exposure to air pollution on male reproductive health. Using advanced geospatial methods, this project explores the effects of air pollution exposure during pregnancy on outcomes such as testicular cancer, genital malformations, and fertility rates in grown-up sons

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PhD scholarship at Department of Business and Sustainability

Application deadline: January 6, 2025. The Department of Business and Sustainability at the University of Southern Denmark in Esbjerg invites applications for a PhD scholarship as of March 1, 2025, or as agreed. For more information about the department, please visit the website. Be part of a large-scale international project

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Stilling som teknisk konservator/præparator ved Institut for Molekylær Medicin

Indsæt evt. kort beskrivelse af opslaget En varig fuldtidsstilling som teknisk konservator/præparator ved Institut for Molekylær Medicin, Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Odense er ledig til besættelse snarest muligt. Arbejdsopgaver - Plastinering af anatomiske præparater samt udvikling af nye metoder indenfor dette område.

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Ph D Position in Translational Environmental Medicine

A full time 3 year PhD position at the Research Unit Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmacy and Environmental Medicine (CPPEM), University of Southern Denmark, is vacant from April 1st 2025. We are looking for a PhD for a project funded by an ERC advanced grant. The purpose of this project is to study the impact of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) on cholesterol metabolism using primary human hepatocytes (PHH) cultured in 3 dimensional (3D) spheres

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Centersekretær til Cochrane Danmark og Center for Evidensbaseret Medicin Odense (CEBMO)

Cochrane Danmark og Center for Evidensbaseret Medicin Odense (CEBMO), Klinisk Institut, Syddansk Universitet, søger en medarbejder til at varetage centrets administrative opgaver. Stillingen er på deltid med mulighed for gradvist at øge timetallet. Cochrane Danmark og Center for Evidensbaseret Medicin Odense (CEBMO), Klinisk Institut, Syddansk Universitet, søger en medarbejder til at varetage centrets administrative opgaver. Stillingen er på deltid med mulighed for gradvist at øge timetallet

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Postdoc in Evidence-Based Medicine

A position as postdoc (80% time) is vacant as soon as possible at Cochrane Denmark and at the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine Odense (CEBMO), Department of Clinical Research, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark (SDU). The position is limited to 10 months with the possibility of extension.

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PhD Position in Bioorganic Chemistry at the University of Southern Denmark in Odense

Application deadline: 10 January 2025 at 23:59 hours local Danish time. One PhD position in bioorganic chemistry is available in the group of Professor Jasmin Mecinovic at the Department of Physics and Chemistry, University of Southern Denmark. Project background Posttranslational modifications on nucleosomal core and linker histone proteins are central to transcriptional regulation in eukaryotes and are thus of fundamental importance to complex life

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Indkøbs- og regnskabskyndig kollega søges til Fælles Administrativt ServiceTeam i Økonomiservice, SDU (HK)

Hvis du brænder for at skabe værdi og gøre en forskel gennem udvikling, så læs med her. Vi søger en dygtig og engageret kollega, der vil bidrage til udviklingen af vores fælles serviceteam. Teamet leverer effektiv og professionel support på tværs af Fællesadministrationen på SDU. Arbejdsopgaverne vil primært være inden for indkøb og regnskab, og du vil få ansvaret for dine egne organisatoriske partnerområder i Fællesadministrationen. Om jobbet

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Tenure-Track Assistant Professor(s) Position in Economics/Macroeconomics

Application deadline: March 1, 2025. The Department of Economics at the University of Southern Denmark invites applications for one or more tenure-track Assistant Professor positions in Economics/Macroeconomics, preferably with focus on international finance, monetary and financial history, and historical perspectives on growth and fluctuations. We especially encourage macroeconomists who integrate long-term perspectives into their research to apply for the positions.

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Syddansk Universitet (SDU)

Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense M

SDU åbnede dørene for de første studerende i Odense i september 1966, og siden da er det gået stærkt. Vi har nu fem fakulteter med omkring 30.000 studerende, heraf mere end 15 % fra udlandet, og knap 4.000 ansatte fordelt på hovedcampus i Odense samt regionale campusser i Slagelse, Kolding, Esbjerg og Sønderborg og København.

We perodically offer student internships

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