Current jobs at Syddansk Universitet (SDU)

Forskningsrådgiver til Syddansk Forskerstøtte med særligt fokus på forskningen på Institut for Molekylær Medicin, SDU

Vil du være med til at supportere forskning, der bidrager til sundhed for alle? Som forskningsrådgiver vil du bidrage til at hjemtage finansiering til forskernes bedste ideer, som skal skabe afgørende aftryk i samfundet. Stillingen har særligt fokus på forskerne og forskningen på Institut for Molekylær Medicin (IMM) og er forankret i den centrale enhed Syddansk Forskerstøtte. IMM beskæftiger +30 fastansatte forskere, hvoraf 35% har international baggrund

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Professor in Medical Microbiology (combined position)

A position as Professor in Medical Microbiology (75% time) and as a molecular biologist (25% time) is vacant as soon as possible at the Research Unit of Clinical Microbiology, Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark and at the Department of Clinical Microbiology, Odense University Hospital, respectively. The posts are considered as one entity. The position is for 5 years with the possibility of extension.

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PhD position in Quantitative Modelling for Just-in-Time Port Call Optimization

The Department of Technology and Innovation University of Southern Denmark in Odense (SDU), invites for applications to a 3-year PhD position with teaching obligations on the topic of sector. The starting time of the position is January 1, 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter, and the location is at SDU’s main campus in Odense. The application deadline is October 15, 2024, at 11.59 PM / 23.59 (CET/CEST)

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AC-fuldmægtig til Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultetssekretariat

En stilling som AC-fuldmægtig til understøttelse af aktiviteter inden for livslang læring og løbende forbedringsarbejde ved Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet (SUND) er ledig til besættelse ved Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultetssekretariat.

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Postdoc Position in Marine Trace Metal Geochemistry

Application deadline: 3 October 2024 at 23.59 hours local Danish time. We are looking to fill a postdoc position in marine trace metal geochemistry. We are interested in constraining trace metal budgets in the oceans focusing on a combination of establishing boundary fluxes and constructing an elemental map of the seafloor from a combination of literature analyses and new data. The position will run for three years with starting date 1 November 2024.

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Reannouncement: PhD Position in Safe Energy-aware Robotic Teleoperation

SDU Robotics, part of the Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute, University of Southern Denmark (SDU), invites applications for one or more 3-year PhD position(s), where the candidates will work on the project SENSIBLE (Symbiotic tEleoperatioN for Safe and cost-efficient wInd turBine bLade maintEnance). The starting date for the positions is as soon as possible in 2024 and will be agreed upon with the successful candidates. The application deadline is 25 September 2024 at 11.59 PM / 23

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Akademisk medarbejder til sikkerhedsopgaver på SDU

Indsæt evt. kort beskrivelse af opslaget Vil du være med til at understøtte arbejdet med sikkerhed i en kompleks offentlig organisation, som skaber værdi gennem forskning, uddannelse og innovation i et samspil med internationale samarbejdspartnere?

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Koordinerende klinisk lektor ved IRS-Sygehus Sønderjylland

En stilling som koordinerende klinisk lektor (sats B) ved Institut for Regional Sundhedsforskning (IRS), Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet, SDU og Sygehus Sønderjylland, Region Syddanmark er ledig til besættelse snarest muligt. Stillingen ønskes besat for en 3-årig periode med mulighed for forlængelse. Stillingen kan besættes med en ekstern lektor, hvis der ikke findes kvalificerede ansøgere til et klinisk lektorat.

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PhD Scholarships in Political Science

Application deadline: October 15, 2024. Do you want a research education as a salaried and institutionally supported PhD student? The Department of Political Science and Public Management, University of Southern Denmark invites applications for 3 to 4 PhD scholarships within the research areas political science, public administration, international and regional politics, welfare studies or journalism studies as of January 1, 2025, or as agreed.

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Postdoc in Physical Activity Behaviour Change

Danish Centre for Motivation and Behaviour Science (DRIVEN) at the Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, research unit of Sport and Health Sciences, invites applications for a 3-year postdoc position in physical activity behaviour change to be filled in the period January 6, 2025 to January 5, 2028. Danish Centre for Motivation and Behaviour Science (DRIVEN) https://www.sdu

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EPICUR-Mobilitetskoordinator til Rektorsekretariatet, SDU

Vil du være en del af fremtidens europæiske universitetslandskab? Brænder du for internationalt samarbejde, studentermobilitet og administrativt arbejde? Så har vi en 2-årig projektstilling til besættelse snarest muligt. Vi søger en engageret og struktureret mobilitetskoordinator til at styrke SDU's deltagelse i EPICUR-alliancen – et banebrydende europæisk samarbejde mellem ni førende universiteter

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Postdoc on HARMONIA: Harmonised Approach for Measuring Mortality Inequalities among Adults in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

The Danish Centre for Health Economics (DaCHE) and the Danish Institute for Advanced Study (DIAS), University of Southern Denmark, seek to appoint one full-time postdoc as part of the Harmonised Approach for Measuring Mortality Inequalities among Adults in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (HARMONIA) project. The PI is Associate Professor Angela Chang. The starting date for the position is 1 January 2025 or earlier. The position is available for a fixed term of 36 months.

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Juridisk Kontor i Rektorsekretariatet søger barselsvikar (AC-fuldmægtig)

Er du en dygtig jurist med kompetence inden for bl.a. forvaltningsloven og offentlighedsloven? Så kan du blive en af vores kolleger i et barselsvikariat i Rektorsekretariatets Juridiske Kontor. Her varetager vi opgaver for hele universitetet om universitets- og forvaltningsretlige emner. Du skal have et godt overblik, og du skal have lyst til at arbejde i et til tider hektisk miljø, hvor der stilles krav til fleksibilitet og selvstændigt ansvar i opgaveløsningen.

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PhD stilling i forebyggelse af hjertesygdomme hos midaldrende kvinder via kort intens fysisk aktivitet integreret i daglige gøremål

Declaration of interest regarding PhD project: The Danish Centre for Motivation and Behaviour Science (DRIVEN) is looking for applicants for a PhD scholarship within the field of behavioural sciences applied to physical activity. We are looking for a person with a relevant undergraduate and master’s degree in physical activity or exercise science, (health) psychology, behavioural science, public health, or related research fields

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Professor in Movement Practices

The Research unit Movement, Culture and Society (MoCS) (, Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, invites applications for a position as professor in Movement Practices to be filled as soon as possible. The Research unit Movement, Culture and Society (MoCS) (https://www.sdu

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PhD Scholarship in Political Science; Border Region and European Studies

Application deadline: October 11, 2024. Do you want a research education as a salaried and institutionally supported PhD student? The Department of Political Science and Public Management, University of Southern Denmark, invites applications for a PhD scholarship within the research areas of Border Studies and European Studies. The position is due to commence on January 1, 2025, or as agreed.

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PhD Position: Error Mitigation Strategies for Quantum Chemistry on Noisy Intermediate-scale Quantum Computers

Application deadline: 15 October 2024 at 23.59 hours local Danish time. A PhD position within quantum computing focused on developing novel error mitigation strategies tailored towards quantum chemical methods on quantum computers is available at the Department of Physics, Chemistry, and Pharmacy. This position is fully funded by the Danish e-Infrastructure Cooperation (DeIC). Starting date: 15 December 2024, or as soon as possible thereafter

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Research Assistant position at the SDU Climate Cluster Elite Centre for Understanding Human Relationships with the Environment (CUHRE).

Application deadline: September 30, 2024, 23:59 CET. CUHRE and The Department of Business & Management (DBM) at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) invites applications for a full-time Research Assistant position. The position is located at SDU’s Campus in Odense and is vacant from 1st January 2025 or soon thereafter and until 30th April 2026. Job description

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PhD Position in Multi-layer Building Stocks Characterisation and Circular Economy Potential

The SDU Life Cycle Engineering at the Department of Green Technology, University of Southern Denmark, invites applications for a Fully Funded three-year PhD in multi-layer building stocks char-acterisation and circular economy potential, in the MSCA Doctoral Network QuiVal, where we learn, ideate and reimagine real estate value and valuation practices by drawing inspiration from quan-tum theories. The position is available from November 1, 2024, or as soon as possible thereafter

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PhD Position in Multi-level Material Cycles and Market Dynamics

The SDU Life Cycle Engineering at the Department of Green Technology, University of Southern Denmark, invites applications for a Fully Funded three-year PhD in multi-level material cycles and market dynamics, in the MSCA Doctoral Network QuiVal, where we learn, ideate and reimagine real estate value and valuation practices by drawing inspiration from quantum theories. The position is is available from November 1, 2024, or as soon as possible thereafter

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PhD Position in Building Stock Characterisation and Circularity Aspects as Factors in Material Output Valuation

The SDU Life Cycle Engineering at the Department of Green Technology, University of Southern Denmark, invites applications for a Fully Funded three-year PhD in building stock characterisation and circularity aspects as factors in material output valuation, in the MSCA Doctoral Network QuiVal, where we learn, ideate and reimagine real estate value and valuation practices by drawing inspiration from quantum theories

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PhD Scholarship in Public Administration at the Department of Political Science and Public Management

Application deadline: October 15, 2024, 23:59 CET. Applications are invited for a PhD scholarship within public administration to be based at the Department of Political Science and Public Management at the University of Southern Denmark, Odense. The starting date for the position is 1 January 2025. The ideal applicant Applications are invited from candidates with a master's degree (the 5+3 programme)

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Assistant Professor of Power Electronics

Faculty position in Electrical Engineering The cross-border region Denmark-Germany is a powerhouse in industrial electronics. The Centre for Industrial Electronics (CIE) at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) was established by a strong partnership between industry, academia and regional authorities. CIE is located at the campus of SDU Sønderborg and surrounded by a vibrant industrial environment

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Syddansk Universitet (SDU)

Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense M

SDU åbnede dørene for de første studerende i Odense i september 1966, og siden da er det gået stærkt. Vi har nu fem fakulteter med omkring 30.000 studerende, heraf mere end 15 % fra udlandet, og knap 4.000 ansatte fordelt på hovedcampus i Odense samt regionale campusser i Slagelse, Kolding, Esbjerg og Sønderborg og København.

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