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Staff specialist in Radiology


What can you expect?

  • Permanent contract
  • € 120 000 minimum yearly salary (including pension benefits)
  • 37 hour working week
  • 6 weeks paid holiday
  • Free intensive online language course for you and suitably for your family
  • Monthly € 1000 settlement assistance during the course
  • A free trip to Denmark prior to the language course, where you will have the opportunity to visit your future workplace and living area
  • Support in integration, in authorization and administrative processes, in finding kindergarten, school, flat, house
  • Relocation assistance and spouse employment assistance
  • And much more

Read our full offer

More about the speciality

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Citizenship *Citizenship*AustriaBelgiumBulgariaCroatiaRepublic of CyprusCzech RepublicDenmarkEstoniaFinlandFranceGermanyGreeceHungaryIrelandItalyLatviaLithuaniaLuxembourgMaltaNetherlandsPolandPortugalRomaniaSlovakiaSloveniaSpainSwedenNon-EU

Your specialization *Your specialization*AllergologyAnaesthesiologyCardiologyCardiothoracic SurgeryChild PsychiatryClinical BiochemistryClinical OncologyDental TechnicianDentistryDermato-venerologyEmergency MedicineEndocrinologyForensic DentistryGastroenterologyGeneral Practitioner / Family MedicineGeriatricsHaematologyImmunologyImplantologyInfectologyIntern MedicineMD - No specializationMedical GeneticsMicrobiologyNephrology / Renal MedicineNeurologyNeurosurgeryNuclear medicineNurseObstetrics and GynaecologyOccupational MedicineOphthalmologyOral & Maxillofacial SurgeryOral surgeryOrthodonticsOrthopaedic SurgeryOtorhinolaryngology/EarNoseThroatPaediatric DentistryPaediatric SurgeryPaediatricsPaediatricsPathologyPlastic SurgeryProsthetic DentistryPsychiatryPulmonologyRadiation OncologyRadiographyRadiologyRadiology technicianRespiratory Medicine / Pulmonology / PneumonologyRheumatologySurgerySurgical oncologyTransplant SurgeryTrauma SurgeryUrologyVascular surgeryOther

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You will work in a highly specialized radiology department in Denmark’s pubic healthcare sector.

The radiology department works with image-guided diagnostic and therapeutic procedures ranging from ultrasound, to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT) scan and X-rays besides many other procedures. As a radiologist, you will work closely together with many other medical specialists from other departments, besides radiographers and with nurses.

Teamwork and patient-oriented perspective is highly appreciated in the department.


  • Specialized in Radiology, or will finish your residency soon
  • Subspecialist in the following fields:
    • Oncologic radiology
    • Thoracic radiology
    • Breast radiology
    • Emergency radiology
    • General radiology
  • Motivated for living and working abroad
  • Able to take part in our free intensive language course
  • Proficient in spoken and written English

If you are interested in knowing more about the position, Denmark or Medicolink, please don’t hesitate contacting our consultant, Sára Mitelle: +36 20 367 8153 or [email protected].

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Hovedkontor: Kildebakken 2, 8680 Ry

Medicolink og Kube&Co er to integrerede, dansk-ungarske virksomheder med base i Budapest, Ungarn. Vi arbejder hhv. med at finde og forberede højt kvalificeret sundhedspersonale til en ny tilværelse i Danmark, og derudover tager vi os af drift af tandklinikker fordelt rundt omkring i Danmark.

Arbejdspladsen har lige nu 25 medabejdere med videregående uddannelsesbaggrund. I sidste periode ansatte de 1 færdiguddannede samt 7 studerende og praktikanter.

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