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Staff specialist in Emergency medicine


What can you expect?

  • Permanent contract
  • € 120 000 minimum yearly salary (including pension benefits)
  • 37 hour working week
  • 6 weeks paid holiday
  • Free intensive online language course for you and suitably for your family
  • Monthly € 1000 settlement assistance
  • A free trip to Denmark prior to the language course, where you will have the opportunity to visit your future workplace and living area
  • Support in integration, in authorization and administrative processes, in finding kindergarten, school, flat, house
  • Relocation assistance and spouse employment assistance
  • And much more

Read our full offer

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Citizenship *Citizenship*AustriaBelgiumBulgariaCroatiaRepublic of CyprusCzech RepublicDenmarkEstoniaFinlandFranceGermanyGreeceHungaryIrelandItalyLatviaLithuaniaLuxembourgMaltaNetherlandsPolandPortugalRomaniaSlovakiaSloveniaSpainSwedenNon-EU

Your specialization *Your specialization*AllergologyAnaesthesiologyCardiologyCardiothoracic SurgeryChild PsychiatryClinical BiochemistryClinical OncologyDental TechnicianDentistryDermato-venerologyEmergency MedicineEndocrinologyForensic DentistryGastroenterologyGeneral Practitioner / Family MedicineGeriatricsHaematologyImmunologyImplantologyInfectologyIntern MedicineMD - No specializationMedical GeneticsMicrobiologyNephrology / Renal MedicineNeurologyNeurosurgeryNuclear medicineNurseObstetrics and GynaecologyOccupational MedicineOphthalmologyOral & Maxillofacial SurgeryOral surgeryOrthodonticsOrthopaedic SurgeryOtorhinolaryngology/EarNoseThroatPaediatric DentistryPaediatric SurgeryPaediatricsPaediatricsPathologyPlastic SurgeryProsthetic DentistryPsychiatryPulmonologyRadiation OncologyRadiographyRadiologyRadiology technicianRespiratory Medicine / Pulmonology / PneumonologyRheumatologySurgerySurgical oncologyTransplant SurgeryTrauma SurgeryUrologyVascular surgeryOther

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You will work in a Danish acute hospital under the umbrella of a university hospital. Stable surroundings, attractive working conditions, possibilities for professional development, a better work-life balance and a future life and career await you in one of Europe’s top welfare states, in Scandinavia.

The department of emergency medicine is a well-established department, where the interdisciplinary collaboration is with high importance and where constant education is seen as an essential value. As an emergency medicine specialist, you will work closely together with many other medical specialists from other departments.

Teamwork and patient-oriented perspective is highly appreciated in the department.


  • Specialized in Emergency Medicine
  • Motivated for living and working abroad
  • Able to take part in our free intensive language course
  • Proficient in spoken and written English

If you are interested in knowing more about the position, Denmark or Medicolink, please don’t hesitate contacting our consultant, Lili Fehér: +36 70 315 0536 or [email protected].

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Hovedkontor: Kildebakken 2, 8680 Ry

Medicolink og Kube&Co er to integrerede, dansk-ungarske virksomheder med base i Budapest, Ungarn. Vi arbejder hhv. med at finde og forberede højt kvalificeret sundhedspersonale til en ny tilværelse i Danmark, og derudover tager vi os af drift af tandklinikker fordelt rundt omkring i Danmark.

Arbejdspladsen har lige nu 25 medabejdere med videregående uddannelsesbaggrund. I sidste periode ansatte de 1 færdiguddannede samt 7 studerende og praktikanter.

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