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Funded traineeship for young graduates at the EU Delegation to the Republic of South Africa - Political, Press and Information Section

European External Action Service (EEAS)

07.11.2024 Expired Text The European Union Delegation to the Republic of South Africa wishes to inform that the procedure is completed and the that trainee position has been filled.

We thank all candidates for their interest in the European Union traineeships.

If you so wish, please continue to monitor our website and social media for any new traineeship positions.

Web: http://eeas.europa.eu/delegations/south_africa/index_en.htm

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European External Action Service (EEAS)

Hovedkontor: EEAS Building, 9A Rond Point Schuman, 1046 Brussels

The EEAS is the European Union's diplomatic service. It helps the EU's foreign affairs chief – the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy – carry out the Union's Common Foreign and Security Policy.

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