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Kalundborg Kommune

Are you fluent in both written and spoken English and Danish? Do you enjoy working with children and want to be part of an international school environment? Are you service-minded, organized, and have an educational background in office administration? Do you thrive in a busy workday with a variety of tasks?

Can you see yourself as the central administrative hub for the international school's operations? If so, you might be the perfect fit for our new School Secretary position at the International School of Kalundborg!

The International School of Kalundborg is a bilingual international public school opening in August 2025. This is a unique opportunity to join a dedicated team tasked with building the school from the ground up.

Background and Context
The decision to establish a new international public school represents a significant political and strategic investment. Kalundborg Municipality is seeing an increasing number of international families moving to the region for work, creating a growing need for a school that accommodates children from various nationalities.

The establishment of the International School of Kalundborg aims to provide a high-quality educational option for international families, where students are taught in both Danish and English. While the school primarily caters to the children of international workers, Danish students in Kalundborg Municipality may also enrol if space is available.

At its initial phase, the school plans to offer four mixed-year classes:

  • Kindergarten/Year 1
  • Year 2/3
  • Year 4/5
  • Year 6/7

Once fully operational, the school will provide education for Years 0-9.

The school will operate under the Danish KIG law framework, offering a bilingual program where 50% of the teaching will be in English and 50% in Danish. As such, both English and Danish will be working as well as teaching languages at the school.

The school will be established as an independent institution, but it will be housed in an existing building connected to Skolen på Herredsåsen in Kalundborg. The two schools will share facilities such as subject-specific classrooms and the library, fostering close collaboration at both student and staff levels.

The International School of Kalundborg will also be an integral part of Kalundborg Municipality's overall educational system. As the school secretary, you will be part of a professional network of secretaries working at the municipality's 18 schools.

Who We're Looking For
We are looking for someone who:

  • Is fluent in written and spoken Danish and English.
  • Is organized and capable of handling multiple tasks simultaneously.
  • Greets staff, students, and parents from all over the world with a smile.
  • Is eager to contribute to developing the school's administrative procedures and culture.
  • Has strong IT skills.
  • Excels in collaboration, both internally and with various external partners.
  • Has experience with financial administration – or a strong willingness to learn.
  • Takes independent responsibility for tasks.
  • Is service-minded, flexible, helpful, and attuned to different situations.
  • Is comfortable with the variety of ad hoc tasks that the position entails.
  • Thrives in a dynamic environment with frequent interruptions from students, parents, and colleagues.

Job Responsibilities
The school secretary's responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Internal and external administration.
  • Light personnel administration.
  • Student administration.
  • Supporting leadership with administrative tasks.
  • Handling inquiries from stakeholders and users of the school.
  • Assisting with enrolment meetings, open house events, and welcoming new families.
  • Various reports and submissions.
  • Financial tasks.
  • Organizing and managing documentation.
  • Utilizing specialized administrative systems.

What We Offer
We offer you an international work environment with skilled and dedicated colleagues. Community and mutual respect for each other's expertise are central to our culture, which we protect through strong collaboration.

Work Location
The primary workplace is located at: Herredsåsen 5, 4400 Kalundborg

Further Information

The position is full-time (37 hours per week), with working hours aligned with the school year and holidays. Since the school is still in its development phase, additional teachers and pedagogues will be hired in spring. You will collaborate closely with the school leader.

For more information about the position, please contact school leader Hanne Schmidt at +32 478 700 387.

Salary and Employment Terms
Salary will follow current agreements and principles of local wage formation.

Please note: If you are offered the position, a child certificate and a criminal record check will be required.

Application Process
The application deadline is January 19, 2025. Interviews will be held on January 23, 2025.

Om os
I Kalundborg Kommune er vi optaget af, at vores borgere, virksomheder, foreninger og institutioner får den bedst tænkelige service. Det kan vi kun levere hvis vi har dygtige og motiverede medarbejdere. Derfor er vi dedikeret til at støtte medarbejdernes personlige og faglige udvikling, og sikre en dynamisk og fleksibel arbejdsplads.

Hos os er medarbejderne med til at gøre en forskel hver dag, sammen med ca. 3500 kollegaer. Kalundborg Kommune er placeret i noget af Danmarks smukkeste natur – og er samtidig hjemsted for en række af de industrier der bidrager mest til den danske økonomi – med vægt på biotech- og energiproduktion.
Der bor cirka 49.000 mennesker i Kalundborg Kommune, som også er hjemsted for flere og flere uddannelser, der er med til at understøtte udviklingen i kommunen.

Du kan læse mere om Kalundborg Kommune som arbejdsplads Vores medarbejdere (kalundborg.dk, finde generelle oplysninger om Kalundborg Kommune Go to Kalundborg eller lytte til vores podcast-serie Karriere på Kalundborgsk Podcast (kalundborg.dk)

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I Kalundborg Kommune har vi en generel politik om indhentning af straffeattest.

Ansatte som i deres ansættelse har adgang til personfølsomme oplysninger, skal have privat MitID, fordi de skal identificere sig med deres private MitID Dette for at efterleve den skærpede lovgivning og derved sikre borgernes tillid til, at alle myndigheder, herunder Kalundborg kommune, behandler personfølsomme oplysninger sikkert.






19. januar 2025


1. februar 2025


Hanne Schmidt

+32 478700387

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Kalundborg Kommune

Hovedkontor: Holbækvej 141 B, 4400 Kalundborg

Kalundborg Kommune huser en af Sjællands største industrikoncentrationer uden for København med nogle af Danmarks største energi- og procesvirksomheder. Vi opbygger et banebrydende center for udvikling af avanceret biotek produktion, uddannelse og startups, ligesom den verdenskendte Kalundborg Symbiose ikke bare er et eksempel på fremsynet energieffektiv og bæredygtig produktion, men også et udtryk for en helt særlig måde at tænke cirkulær økonomi på.

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