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Danish Cultural Institute is looking for a Financial Controller for its office in Tbilisi, Georgia

Det Danske Kulturinstitut

The position will be based in Tbilisi, Georgia, starting in February 2025 (or as soon as possible thereafter) for a duration of one year, with the possibility of extension.

You will be part of the Danish Cultural Institute’s (DCI) team for the Eastern Neighbourhood Countries (ENC), based in Denmark, Moldova, and Georgia. Your primary point of contact will be the DCI project coordinator in Tbilisi. However, you should expect to engage in daily communication and coordination with the entire project team. The main program of the ENC team is the New Democracy Fund (NDF), funded by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Other cultural projects in Georgia and other countries in the region will also be part of the portfolio.

As a Financial Controller, you will be responsible for supporting our activities in the ENC from a financial management perspective, ensuring that our projects comply with internal guidelines, the requirements of our donors, and internationally recognized accounting standards and best practices.

Your main tasks will include:

  • Managing the daily bookkeeping of expenses – Managing the internal budget, salary transfers, and tax reporting for team members
  • Ensuring an efficient internal control system – Administrative tasks and logistics.
  • Preparing financial reports and overseeing the sound financial management of activities in close cooperation with the project manager and project partners in the ENC.
  • Advising the project team on financial management issues, such as budget planning and follow-up, financial transfers to partners, invoicing, and bookkeeping.
  • Advising the project team and local partners on sound financial management and reporting to ensure compliance with DANIDA’s administrative guidelines (Danish MFA) and the NDF/DCI administrative guidelines.
  • Conducting quality assurance of partners’ financial reports, audits, and other project bookkeeping, as well as engaging in dialogue with and providing support to partners on their budgets and budgetary follow-up.
  • Supervising project partners in tasks such as identifying the audit company, providing templates, and collecting the audit reports.

We are looking for candidates with the following skills and competencies:

  • Documented experience working with financial management of projects, preferably international ones.
  • Documented ability to read and understand the financial guidelines of various donors and implement them in practice.
  • Ability to adapt to different sets of guidelines and donor modalities.
  • Strong communication skills and a proactive approach.
  • Ability to work independently.
  • Documented understanding of financial compliance and its implications when working with local partners.
  • Fluency in English.

How to apply
The position is a full-time local employment contract, in compliance with Georgian labour laws. Please submit your application by February 3rd 2025.
To apply, send your CV, cover letter, and relevant appendices to: Regional Director Henriette Borg Reinholdt at [email protected].

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Det Danske Kulturinstitut

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