Declaration of interest regarding PhD project: Bone fracture nonunion healing by adipose-derived regenerative cells
Syddansk Universitet (SDU)
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Odense University Hospital and Department of Clinical Research at SDU is looking for applicants for a PhD scholarship within the field of Regenerative Medicine.
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Odense University Hospital and Department of Clinical Research at SDU is looking for applicants for a PhD scholarship within the field of Regenerative Medicine.
Research environment
This is a close collaborative project between Orthopaedic Research laboratory, the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology, and Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, the department of Clinical Biochemistry, Odense University Hospital (OUH). The project is mainly granted by the Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF). We seek one PhD fellow to start as soon as possible. Our departments have all the necessary equipment and methodologies for laboratory experiments and clinical trials.
Project description
This proposal targets a most challenging orthopaedic problem of fracture nonunion by our already approved adipose-derived regenerative cells (ADRCs) for clinical trials. We establish a possible superior design to current treatments, with least invasive procedures for patients. We harvest adipose tissue from patients through a minimal invasive process. We perform regulatory settings, cell manufacturing and quality controls of ADRCs prior to clinical trials (study 1). We evaluate safety, assess efficacy, and determine optimal dose of ADRCs combined with bone allograft in the treatment of patients with fracture nonunion (study 2). Thereafter, we perform a proof-of-concept clinical trial on the efficacy of ADRCs combined with bone allograft on stimulating fracture atrophic nonunion healing in patients with bone defect (study 3). Thus, provide strong evidence for future large multicenter clinical trials and apply this novel strategy to other types of severe nonunion.
The qualified applicant holds a master’s degree in Medicine/Cell Biology/Molecular Biology/Biomedicine or similar with experience in research and at least one (either published or expected) authorship in internationally peer-reviewed publications. The candidate is expected to be able to communicate fluently in spoken and written English.
For further information about the project, please contact:
Professor Ming Ding
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology, Odense University Hospital (OUH), and Institute of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark (SDU).
Mails regarding questions for this declaration of interest should be named “ORL PhD applicant” in the subject line.
Applications must include:
• At letter stating the interest, motivation and qualifications for the project (max. 2 pages) - upload under “Application form”.
• Detailed CV, including personal contact information
• Certified copy of diploma (Master’s degree in a relevant field)
Shortlisting may be used in the assessment process.
Applications must be submitted electronically using the link "Apply online".
Attached files must be in Adobe PDF or Word format. Each box can only contain a single file of max. 10 Mb. We strongly recommend that you read How to apply for a position at SDU before you apply.
Incomplete applications and applications received after the deadline will neither be considered nor evaluated. This also applies to reference letters.
Application deadline
May 01, at 23.59 hrs. CET
Successful candidate will be asked to send an application to the PhD Secretariat, Faculty of Health Sciences, to be enrolled as a PhD student.
The PhD programme will be carried out in accordance with Faculty regulations and the Danish Ministerial Order on the PhD Programme at the Universities (PhD order)
The terms of employment as a salaried PhD Research Fellow are stated in the Agreement between the Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations (AC).
The University wishes our staff to reflect the diversity of society and thus welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background.
Placering: Odense, Denmark
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