Aktuelle job hos Syddansk Universitet (SDU)
Assistant professor in health promotion, SDU, Campus Esbjerg
Job description The Unit of Health Promotion Research, Department of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark, Campus Esbjerg invites applications for a position as assistant professor, 37 hours per week, in the field of health promotion and public health from 1 June 2025 and for a period of 4 years.
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PhD Position in Operator Algebras
Application deadline: 28 February 2025 at 23:59 hours local Danish time The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Southern Denmark, Odense, invites applications for a PhD position in operator algebras with a focus on the structure and classification of C*-dynamical systems. The starting date is July 1, 2025 (or nearby date). The hired candidate will be supervised by Associate Professor Jamie Gabe. Candidate Profile
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Postdoc Position in Computer Science (Visual Data Science)
Application deadline: 14 February 2025 at 23:59 hours local Danish time As part of expanding the Centre for Visual Data Science, the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Southern Denmark, Odense, invites applications for a Postdoc position in Computer Science with a focus on visual data science
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Tenure-track Assistant and Associate Professorship positions in Algorithms at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, SDU Vejle
Application deadline: 24 March 2025 at 23:59 hours local Danish time. The new campus in Vejle of the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) is set to become an international IT research and educational environment. The campus will consist of two research centres aiming to be world-class research environments in computer science, artificial intelligence, interactive technology, and software engineering
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GENOPSLAG: Laborant til Translationel Biomedicin, Institut for Molekylær Medicin, Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet
Laboratoriet i Translationel Biomedicin under ledelse af DIAS Adjunkt Dr. Sanjeeb Kumar Sahu søger erfaren laborant med tiltrædelse pr. 15. januar 2025 eller snarest derefter. Ansættelse er ved Institut for Molekylær Medicin i Odense og er på fuld tid i 6 måneder med mulighed for forlængelse
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Carlsberg Ph.d. Fellowship ved Institut for Kultur- og Sprogvidenskaber
Institut for Kultur- og Sprogvidenskaber ved Det Humanistiske Fakultet på Syddansk Universitet (SDU) opslår hermed et 3-årigt Carlsberg Ph.d. Fellowship med ansættelse fra den 1. september 2025 eller snarest derefter. Stipendiet kan søges inden for de fagområder, der dækkes af Institut for Kultur- og Sprogvidenskaber. Stipendiet er fuldt finansieret. Ansøgningsfristen er 1. april 2025 kl. 23.59 (CET/CEST) .
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Teamorienteret HK- eller AC-medarbejder til Registratur, SDU Uddannelse
Registratur under SDU Uddannelse søger en engageret og systematisk HK- eller AC medarbejder til fast stilling med tiltrædelse 1. april 2025 gerne før. Registratur er en udpræget driftsafdeling, som er ansvarlig for den samlede, generelle studieadministration ved Syddansk Universitet. I tæt samarbejde med universitetets fem fakulteter sikrer vi progression og legalitet i de studerendes studieforløb fra indskrivning til dimission. Registratur har bl.a
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Automation Engineer
Are you a passionate engineer that likes new technologies and constant challenges? Join the Mads Clausen Institute at the University of Southern Denmark in Sønderborg. As an automation engineer you will be working closely with the lab managers to support the different units in house in various tasks
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Digitaliseringsmedarbejder søges til Teknisk Service, SDU
Om Teknisk Service Teknisk Service er et af flere fællesområder på Syddansk Universitet (SDU), hvor vi varetager den centrale service, drift og vedligehold på SDU’s campusser, samt projektledelse af nybyggerier, større ombygninger og renoveringer. Stillingen er placeret i afdelingen Bygningsvedligehold i teamet FM- og Digitaliseringsgruppen, hvor du bliver del af et erfarent team bestående af 3 bygningskonstruktører, samt en grafiker
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Videnskabelig Assistent - Project Management and Stakeholder Relations: Corporate Heritage Communication
SDU Center for Organizing Social Sustainability is excited to announce a research assistant position in the field of (business) communication / cultural studies. Application deadline 17th February 2025 at 12.59 PM/23.59 (CET/CEST). SDU Center for Organizing Social Sustainability is excited to announce a research assistant position in the field of (business) communication / cultural studies
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Academic Technical staff within Physics
SDU Department of Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacy invites applications for a position as Specialkonsulent within the physics section. You will primarily be engaged in working in the group of Francesca Serra on liquid crystal order in cells and collective behavior. Just as liquid crystal molecules align with each other, so do elongated cells, and this impacts their organization and physiological behavior.
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Professor or clinical professor and program leader for Steno Diabetes Center Odense (SDCO)
A position as professor or clinical professor and program leader for diabetes care and patient and public involvement in research is vacant at the Department of Clinical Research, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark, and the Steno Diabetes Center Odense (SDCO), Odense University Hospital (OUH). The position as professor or clinical professor will be combined with a clinical position at SDCOs
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Software Engineer
A number of software engineers are sought for a position at the Centre for Quantum Mathematics (QM) offering a unique blend of classical programming and full-stack development within a quantum computing framework. The software projects in this position includes technical development and ensuring successful execution and delivery on impactful industry applications using classical algorithms and techniques. In the future, there will be opportunities to integrate quantum computing techniques
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PhD positions in Innovation Management
Application deadline: February 13, 2025. The Department of Business & Management (DBM) at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) invites applications for one or more 3-year PhD positions within the Carlsberg Foundation project Exnovation in Manufacturing: Revealing the Hidden Agent of Change (Ex-Man) under the supervision of Martin Kalthaus. The positions are located at SDU’s Campus in Odense and are vacant from 1st May 2025 or as agreed. Job description
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PhD Position in Aging Research at the Institute of Molecular Medicine (IMM), SDU
The Institute of Molecular Medicine (IMM) at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) is offering a PhD position in Ageing Research within the laboratory of Dr. Sanjeeb Kumar Sahu (https://www.sdu.dk/en/forskning/genome-biology/medarbejdere), Assistant Professor in Translational Biomedicine. IMM is dedicated to advancing our understanding of human biology and disease mechanisms, with a focus on neurobiology, cancer biology, and translational research. Research Focus: Dr
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PhD Position in Bioinformatics at the Department of Molecular Medicine (IMM), SDU
The Institute of Molecular Medicine (IMM) at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) is offering a PhD position in Bioinformatics within the laboratory of Dr. Sanjeeb Kumar Sahu (https://www.sdu.dk/en/forskning/genome-biology/medarbejdere), Assistant Professor in Translational Biomedicine. IMM is dedicated to advancing our understanding of human biology and disease mechanisms, with a focus on neurobiology, cancer biology, and translational research. Research Focus: Dr
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Tenure-Track Assistant Professor(s) Position in Economics/Macroeconomics
Application deadline: March 1, 2025. The Department of Economics at the University of Southern Denmark invites applications for one or more tenure-track Assistant Professor positions in Economics/Macroeconomics, preferably with focus on international finance, monetary and financial history, and historical perspectives on growth and fluctuations. We especially encourage macroeconomists who integrate long-term perspectives into their research to apply for the positions.
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Professorship in Digital Communication with a Focus on Digital Society
Application Deadline: February 17, 2025. The Digital Democracy Centre (DDC), an interdisciplinary centre at the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences, University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Odense, in cooperation with The Danish Institute for Advanced Study (DIAS) seeks strong candidates for a vacant position as Full Professor and DIAS Chair in Digital Communication with a focus on digital communication and its effects on democracy and society
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Professor Position in Quantum Mathematics
Application deadline: 1 March 2025 at 23:59 hours local Danish time The Center for Quantum Mathematics (QM) at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Southern Denmark https://www.sdu.dk/en (SDU) invites applications for a number of positions as Professor in Quantum Mathematics with emphasis on pure mathematics with relations to quantum theory or with emphasis on Quantum algorithms, Quantum software and Quantum computing.
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LEGO® Chair of the Centre for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at SDU Vejle – Full Professor Position
Application deadline: 7 April 2025 at 23:59 hours local Danish time The new campus in Vejle of the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) is set to become an international IT research and educational environment. The campus will consist of two research centres aiming to be world-class research environments in computer science, artificial intelligence, interactive technology, and software engineering
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LEGO® Chair of the Centre for Software Technology at SDU Vejle – Full Professor Position
SDU’s new campus in Vejle is set to become a world-class IT research and educational environment. The campus will consist of two research centres aiming to be world-class research environments in interactive technology, software engineering, computer science, and artificial intelligence
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Full Professor Positions sought for the Centre for Software Technology at SDU Vejle
SDU’s new campus in Vejle is set to become a world-class IT research and educational environment. The campus will consist of two research centres aiming to be world-class research environments in interactive technology, software engineering, computer science, and artificial intelligence
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Teaching Assistant Professorship in Innovation Management
Application deadline: February 27, 2025. The Department of Business & Management (DBM) at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) invites applications for one or more new positions as Teaching Assistant Professor. The positions are located at SDU’s Campus in Odense and are vacant from 1st July 2025 or as agreed. Job description The position is vacant in the Center for Integrative Innovation Management (C*I2M)
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Studiementor til Medievidenskab
Studiementor ved Medievidenskab. Ansøgningsfrist d. 5. marts 2025 kl. 23.59. En stilling som Studiementor ved Medievidenskab hos Syddansk Universitet i Odense er ledig til besættelse med tiltrædelse 15. april eller 1. maj 2025. Stillingen omfatter som udgangspunkt 232 timer årligt og ønskes ideelt besat af enten en 5./6.-semester BA-studerende med centralfag i Medievidenskab, som vil fortsætte på kandidaten, eller en KA-studerende, der har bestået centralt fag på bacheloruddannelsen
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Kollega til Syddansk Universitetsbibliotek i Esbjerg
Er du proaktiv, struktureret og velorganiseret? Vil du gerne hjælpe med at give universitetsbibliotekets brugere en god betjening, og kunne du tænke dig at arbejde på et spændende og aktivt universitetsbibliotek? Så er den ledige stilling som biblioteksassistent (HK-medarbejder i biblioteket) ved Syddansk Universitetsbibliotek i Esbjerg noget for dig.
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Administrativ medarbejder til Økonomisk Institut
Er du proaktiv, struktureret og serviceminded? Ønsker du at arbejde i et internationalt miljø og blive en del af en engageret, effektiv og veldrevet administrativ enhed? Så er stillingen som administrativ medarbejder på Økonomisk Institut måske noget for dig. Økonomisk Institut er hjemsted for en international gruppe forskere, der forsker og underviser bredt i emner inden for økonomi og data science. Instituttet er bl.a
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IT-medarbejder (deltid)
Vi søger en dygtig udvikler med erfaring inden for brugerfladeudvikling, softwarevedligeholdelse og systemdrift til stillingen som IT-medarbejder ved Center for Kvantematematik 20 timer/uge. I rollen vil du være ansvarlig for at sikre, at vores software altid er opdateret og fungerer problemfrit. Du vil samarbejde med klienter om at identificere og løse problemer samt udvikle nye funktioner, der imødekommer deres behov. Startdato er 10
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Projektkonsulent til Citizen Science
SDU Videncenter for Citizen Science søger en fuldtids projektkonsulent, som trives i et projektmiljø med nye og skiftende projekter, der skal udvikles, planlægges og afvikles. Arbejdet inkluderer at arbejde på tværs af SDU med forskere samt med borgere, foreninger, private aktører, skoler, gymnasier og øvrige mulige interessenter. Projektkonsulent til Citizen Science
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Syddansk Universitet i Esbjerg og Kolding søger en AC-fuldmægtig til stilling som brobygningskonsulent
Indsæt evt. kort beskrivelse af opslaget Vil du være med til at bygge bro mellem gymnasier og SDU, og styrke trivslen for studerende? SDU Esbjerg og Kolding søger en brobygningskonsulent med to primære fokusområdet: • Styrke relationerne mellem gymnasier og SDU • Styrke det tværgående studiemiljø blandt de studerende Som brobygningskonsulent bliver du en nøgleperson på SDU i Esbjerg og Kolding med henblik på at styrke relationerne mellem gymnasier og SDU
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Administrativ medarbejder (HK) til nyt Strategisk Sekretariat i SDU IT
Er du struktureret, serviceorienteret og har en interesse for at skabe overblik og effektivitet i administrative processer? Trives du med en bred vifte af driftsopgaver i et strategisk og dynamisk arbejdsmiljø, hvor ambitionerne er høje, humøret godt og opbakningen til hinanden afgørende? Så er du måske vores nye administrative medarbejder.
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Centersekretær til IME ved Syddansk Universitet
Institut for Mekanik og Elektronik (IME) ved Syddansk Universitet søger en engageret og serviceminded administrativ support til at støtte centeret CIE (Centre for Industrial Electronics) som ligger under IME
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Ph.d.-studerende søges til fuldt finansieret projekt
Et kvalitativt og etnografisk studie af personer med intellektuel funktionsnedsættelse og deres møder med deres praktiserende læge Et kvalitativt og etnografisk studie af personer med intellektuel funktionsnedsættelse og deres møder med deres praktiserende læge Interesserer du dig for at reducere ulighed i sundhed i det kliniske møde for personer med intellektuel funktionsnedsættelse, og har du stærke kompetencer i kvalitative og etnografiske forskningsmetoder? Så er du måske vores nye ph.d
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PhD Position in Operator Algebras
Application deadline: 28 February 2025 at 23:59 hours local Danish time The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Southern Denmark, Odense, invites applications for a PhD position in operator algebras with a focus on the structure of nuclear C*-algebras and operator systems and generalized inductive limits. The starting date is June 1, 2025 (or nearby date). Candidate Profile
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Postdoc in Epigenetics
Applications are invited for a position of postdoc in Epigenetics in the laboratory of DNRF Chair and Novo Nordisk Faculty Professor Vijay Tiwari (https://www.tiwarilab.org/ ). The position is available - initially for six months - from April 1, 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter - with the possibility of extension for three or more years.
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DIAS Professor in the Fate of Chemicals in Circular Systems
The Danish Institute for Advanced Study (DIAS) at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) seeks an outstanding candidate to fill a Fully tenured Professor position in the field of Fate of Chemicals in Circular Systems. This critical area of research focuses on the occurrence and transformation of chemicals in circular systems such as water treatment processes, plastics, textiles, and building materials
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PhD Position in AI and Optimization: Parallel Portfolio Solvers for NP-hard Problems
The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Southern Denmark, Odense, invites applications for PhD positions in programming languages. The positions have a duration of 3 years for candidates who have completed a relevant MSc degree, or 4 years for candidates who have completed 1 year of relevant MSc studies
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Postdoc position available: Has the time come for realizing quantum computing for transition metal complexes?
Application deadline: 15 February 2025 at 23:59 hours local One postdoc position within development of novel quantum chemistry computing-based methods towards transition metal complexes is available at the Department of Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacy in Odense. Starting date: 1 March 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter This position is for two years with the possibility for extension by one year. Project background
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DIAS Professor in Engineering within Robotics
The Danish Institute for Advanced Study (DIAS) at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) seeks an outstanding candidate to fill a full tenured Professor position in the field of Robotics. For decades, SDU has held an international leading position in the field of robotics, encompassing a wide range of technical disciplines within robotics
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