MSc, Social Sciences
Anden uddannelsesinstitution i udlandet
GPA: 3.23/4
Track: Forensic Penology
Thesis: ‘Social reintegration in the Netherlands: How the Dutch aftercare system impacts the reintegration process of ex-detained citizens’. Qualitative research project.
During my Master’s research project, I critically analysed the Dutch reintegration policies for (ex-)detained citizens. I interviewed (ex-)
detainees and stakeholders, observed in the reintegration centre in prison, and embedded my results in theoretical models. As a result, I enhanced my project management skills and have become a good critical thinker. I also learnt how to establish relationships with stakeholders and grew my research knowledge and skills.
Anden uddannelsesinstitution i udlandet
GPA: 3.29/4
Track: Social Psychology
Minor: Criminology
Thesis: ‘The influence of self-control on the differences between men and women in experiencing sexual arousal’. Quantitative research project.
For this experimental research project, I designed and conducted surveys and compared these results with physiological data. I embedded the results in psychological theories to explain the influence of self-control on sexual arousal. I developed strong knowledge of testing, presenting, designing and coordinating (research) projects.