Aktuelle job hos TECHNICON A/S


WE ARE LOOKING FOR A Mechanical Engineer 2 8.01.2025 MECHANICAL ENGINEER WANTED FOR GROWING ROBOTICS COMPANY Would you like to work with development and implementation of advanced automation solutions, as part of our professionally competent and committed team? Then Technicon may be the right place for you! We are looking for a skilled and dedicated Mechanical Engineer to join our team. You will be part of a dynamic and innovative environment, where the road from design to execution is short

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VI SØGER IT-supporter lærling 0 5.12.2024 ER DU VORES NYE IT-SUPPORTER LÆRLING? DU BLIVER EN DEL AF ET INNOVATIVT OG FLEKSIBELT MILJØ, HVOR DIN MENING VÆGTES HØJT! Hvem er du? Du har gennemført ITꢀsupporter grundforløbet og er klar til at supportere kollegaer med deres ITꢀ udfordringer. Du har rygsækken fyldt med godt humør og gåꢀpåꢀmod. Du er ikke bange for at tage selvstændige beslutninger. Lyder det som dig, så har vi måske en læreplads til dig

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WE ARE LOOKING FOR AN Automation Engineer 2 8.11.2024 JOIN OUR TEAM OF HIGHLY SKILLED AND INSPIRING COLLEAGUES IN A LEADING AUTOMATION COMPANY Our headquarter is in Hobro, and we also have a small office in Aalborg. As Automation Engineer in Technicon, you will: • • Be a part of Technicon’s strong software team Be developing high-tech automation solutions for several of the country’s leading companies, such as NOVO, Vestas, Danfoss etc

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MANAGEMENTSYSTEM CERTIFICATE Certificate no.: C581451 Initial certification date: 02 March 2023 Valid: 02 March 2023 – 01 March 2026 This is to certify that the management system of Technicon A/S Sjællandsvej 19, 9500 Hobro, Denmark has been found to conform to the Environmental Management System standard: ISO 14001:2015 This certificate is valid for the following scope: Development and delivery of technology and complete solutions within flexible automation across industries

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Hovedkontor: Sjællandsvej 19, 9500 Hobro, 9500 Hobro

Technicon leverer komplette automationsløsninger på tværs af mange industrier. Vi har ekstra fokus på fleksibel automation, som sikrer korte omstillingstider og øgede samarbejdsmuligheder mellem robotter og mennesker. Vi leverer både egenudviklede standardløsninger og kundetilpassede løsninger udviklet i tæt samarbejde med vore kunder.

Vi ansætter jævnligt praktikanter

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