Aktuelle job hos National Oilwell Varco Denmark I/S


El-installatør Overview National Oilwell Varco Subsea Production Systems (NOV SPS) er en førende ingeniør- og produktionsvirksomhed inden for fleksible rørsystemer og innovative undervandsprodukter til offshore olie- og gasindustrien samt andre energisektorer. Med hovedkontor i København, Danmark, udnytter vi avanceret ingeniørarbejde og banebrydende produktionsteknologi til at etablere langvarige partnerskaber med globale entreprenører og olieselskaber.

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SCM Buyer

SCM Buyer Overview NOV Subsea Production Systems (NOV SPS) is a leading engineering and manufacturing company specializing in flexible pipe systems and innovative subsea products for the offshore oil and gas industry and other energy sectors. Headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark, we leverage superior engineering and state-of-the-art manufacturing technology to establish long-term partnerships with global contractors and oil companies

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SCM Buyer

SCM Buyer Overview NOV Subsea Production Systems (NOV SPS) is a leading engineering and manufacturing company specializing in flexible pipe systems and innovative subsea products for the offshore oil and gas industry and other energy sectors. Headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark, we leverage superior engineering and state-of-the-art manufacturing technology to establish long-term partnerships with global contractors and oil companies

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Metallurgist Overview We are looking for a Metallurgist with strong analytical skills Join our Materials Engineering group, a global competence and knowledge center that primarily supports our manufacturing facilities in Denmark and Brazil. Our products operate under extreme conditions, requiring optimal technical solutions to achieve the desired performance. Our team comprises over 50 engineers and technicians with expertise in steels, polymers, and composite materials

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National Oilwell Varco Denmark I/S

Hovedkontor: Priorparken 480, 2605 Brøndby

We design, produce and market the most innovative flexible pipe systems in the world.

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