Aktuelle job hos CGI Danmark A/S

Dynamics 365 FO Senior Business Consultant

Category: Business Consulting, Strategy and Digital Transformation Main location: , Zealand, Ballerup, Aarhus, Aalborg Position ID: J0823-1595 Employment Type: Full Time Position Description: Vil du være med til at sætte dagsordenen, når vi rådgiver vores kunder omkring, hvordan de får mest muligt ud af deres investering i D365 FO og Dynamics Platformen? Hos CGI leder vi efter en Dynamics 365 FO Senior Business Consultant med stor erfaring inden for D365 FO. Det job, der venter på dig

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Graduate 2025: Start your career within Pharma & Life Sciences in CGI's IT/OT program

Category: Business Consulting, Strategy and Digital Transformation Main location: , Ballerup Position ID: J1124-0853 Employment Type: Full Time Position Description: At CGI, we work to optimize IT solutions for the Pharma, Utility, Life and Food Science industry while ensuring that they comply with regulatory requirements. We are already big in the field, but we want to get bigger

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Uopfordret ansøgning / open application

Category: Business Consulting, Strategy and Digital Transformation Main location: , Copenhagen, Aarhus, Aalborg Position ID: J0125-1654 Employment Type: Full Time Position Description: We are always looking for talented and ambitious individuals with a strong desire to elevate their career to the next level.

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SAP FI Consultant

Category: Business Consulting, Strategy and Digital Transformation Main location: , Madrid, Madrid Alternate Location(s): Any CGI location Position ID: J0225-0433 Employment Type: Full Time Position Description: ¡Únete a CGI! ¿Quieres formar parte de una de las cinco empresas más grandes de TI y procesos de negocios en el mundo? En CGI estamos seleccionando un/a Técnico que haya trabajado con idoc para la gestión de interfaces y que hable inglés y francés.

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CGI Danmarks Graduate Program 2025

Category: Business Consulting, Strategy and Digital Transformation Main location: Position ID: J0225-1618 Employment Type: Full Time Position Description: Er du klar til at kickstarte din karriere inden for IT-konsulentbranchen og arbejde med innovative digitale løsninger? CGI Danmarks Graduate Program giver dig mulighed for at specialisere dig inden for forskellige forretningsområder og teknologier baseret på dine interesser, erfaring og uddannelse

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Informatica P360 Developer

Category: Business Consulting, Strategy and Digital Transformation Main location: , Ontario, Toronto Alternate Location(s): Any CGI location Position ID: J0225-1589 Employment Type: Contract Position Description: CGI is seeking a high-potential professional who will be responsible for working closely with our clients and with a team of consultants in supporting the delivery of the project. Your future duties and responsibilities: Your future duties and responsibilities

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Vil du være med til at tegne fremtidens IT-løsninger indenfor Patologi og Genetik

Category: Business Consulting, Strategy and Digital Transformation Main location: , Aarhus Position ID: J0325-0132 Employment Type: Full Time Position Description: Er du skarp på Patologi, Genetik og teknik, og vil du være med til at tegne fremtidens kritiske IT-systemer til det danske sundhedsvæsen, så søger vi en Business Analyst med teknisk flair til vores lokation i Aarhus. Your future duties and responsibilities: Hvad er det vi laver

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CGI Danmark A/S

Hovedkontor: Lautruphøj 10, 2750 Ballerup

CGI tilbyder end-to-end services til et udvalg af sektorer, hvor vi har indgående forretningsmæssig og teknisk ekspertise.

Vi accepterer uopfordrede jobansøgninger: Søg via vores websider
Vi har et graduateprogram for nyuddannede: Læs mere her
Vi ansætter jævnligt praktikanter

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